He is a grizzled veteran with nothing left to lose, and she’s a quirky but underrated archeologist. Together they’ll have zany, madcap adventures as they explore the Stargate universe. Join Rick, from Ray Guns and GoGo Boots, and Ro, from The Atomic Trivia War 9000, as they watch, and review each episode of Stargate SG-1…a rewatch for him, a brand new adventure for her.
Attention all personnel!!
Published 01/11/19
Tollan arrogance? Check! Jack's irreverence? Double check! A courtroom drama where Skaara has to fight for the right to his own body? Triple check!! Throw in a dash of Goa'uld skulduggery and you have this week's episode!!
Published 12/13/18
Stargate Command is invaded by...Stargate Command, and Sam must be Daniel to save Jack and Daniel from Jack and Daniel...or does she?!!! Confused? You will be...you will be.
Published 11/14/18