Hello my gorgeous friend! I am super excited about today’s conversation. What I am about to teach you changed my life when I learned it 4 years ago. We are going to talk about how you can create the life that you want. That may sound rather lofty…but it is possible.  You can create the life you want to live. I will teach you the 4 elements of life, how they interact and how they impact your ability to create the results you want in your life.  Spoiler alert…as you come to understand what I am...
Published 01/01/24
Hello my gorgeous friend! I am super excited about today’s conversation. We are going to talk about miracles!  Perfect conversation as today is Christmas Day 2023. We are going to dig into and answer 3 specific questions… Do you need a miracle? Do you believe the Lord can work a miracle in your life? What does it take to receive a miracle? During the episode I will share one of my own miracle stories and offer up several strategies that you can borrow to bring your own personal miracle to...
Published 12/25/23
Hello my gorgeous friend! Have you been looking at the pool of possible men and find it to be shallow? Does it seem that all of the good men are already taken?  Are you wondering if it is time to move somewhere else to find love? Great question!  This episode is all about making that very decision.  Whether or not you should stay right where you are or move, I invite you to consider 4 truths… Consider that you might be about to play wack-a-mole Your brain goes with you Whatever you decide...
Published 12/18/23
It is confession time! Time to be vulnerable and share some of the juicy details of dating. In this episode I share three of my own dating relationship stories and the three lessons I learned from those relationships.  I invite you to listen in and lean into these three lessons and then let them become 3 tips you will keep in mind on your next date. Don’t be stupid! Instead, be smart!  There is a reason that “patience” is the first attribute of Charity.  And there is a reason why we don’t get...
Published 12/11/23
Hello my gorgeous friend! Do you have a case of “stinking thinking”? Does the sound track playing in the background of your life sound something like:  You are not good enough?  You will never be __________ enough to get _______.  You are __________.  Fill in the blank...stupid, boring, ugly, fat, etc. Does that at all sound familiar to you?  Well, if you are like the rest of us, human single Christian women, you have thought those thoughts at some point.  Maybe you are thinking them right...
Published 12/04/23
Hello my gorgeous friend! “Does God truly love me? And how to I find out?”  Another great question submitted by a listener.  And a question that I have struggled with myself.  A question where I learned the truth for myself as I dug in with God to find out how he truly feels about me. In this episode we will dig into this very question. We will explore the four kinds of love. I will give you three questions that will help you begin to better understand your relationship with God. And I will...
Published 11/27/23
Hello my gorgeous friend! How do you enjoy the holidays with your family as the only single?  Great question.  And a timely question as this episode airs the week of Thanksgiving 2023. Today’s question or topic comes directly from a listener: a single Christian woman, just like you who is trying to navigate life and specifically this time of year.  In today's episode, I will offer up ideas to consider as we look three things: What does your marital status “single” say about you? What are your...
Published 11/20/23
Hello my gorgeous friend! If you have been single for more than a minute you have probably been asked the question “Why aren’t you married?”  “Good question,” you think to yourself.  And then you awkwardly respond. Well today we are going to talk about that very question and play with some ways to respond.    While we are asking and answering questions we will also talk about the question “Why don’t you have kids?”  “Another good question,” you think to yourself. I’ll share with you how I...
Published 11/13/23
Hello my gorgeous friend! Today we are going to start talking about why you don’t already have what you want.    I am going to remind you of one part of you that you have maybe forgotten about. A part that is often underutilized. And once you tap back into it you can create the life you desire. Whatever it is that you want, I pray that you allow what I teach to wiggle it’s way into your brain a bit and the consider that I could be right about this one. I hope you enjoy this episode.  Wishing...
Published 11/06/23
Hi there gorgeous! Are you sad about being single?  Maybe you are feeling a bit ticked off by it and are thinking it just isn’t fair!  It could be that you are kind of scared right now thinking about a future alone.  Or maybe you think you will never marry…you have done something that has taken you out of the running or you simply feel you are not good enough to be chosen. That is what we are talking about today.  No matter how you are feeling about being single you can change that.  And I am...
Published 10/25/23
Hello my gorgeous friend! If you believe that happiness and the value of your life is tied to your marital status and how many children you have, I have great news!! In today’s episode I share the three relationships that have the greatest potential to bring single Christian women, just like you, happiness and joy.  Spoiler alert!...none of them have to do with having a husband or children. I hope you enjoy this episode.  Wishing you all the best God has in store just for you. Sharon What’s...
Published 10/20/23