Pre-show Important Note: Greg Hyer passed away suddenly in his sleep on the night of August 15, 2018, leaving a wife and five children. This show was recorded before Greg’s passing and we both were excited about having Liesl Mathis from Red Hat on the show for the second time. Something came up...
Published 09/20/18
Yes, Sales Pros need to be familiar with GDPR. Martin Brossman talks with Tim Hughes, author of “Social Selling: Techniques to Influence Buyers and Changemakers,” about GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and it’s impact on anyone doing international sales. If you do any business...
Published 05/08/18
David Amerland joins us exploring the connection with what he learned over the last three years writing his book “The Sniper Mind: Eliminate Fear, Deal with Uncertainty, and Make Better Decisions”. Join us on a journey about what David learned by interviewing and researching top military snipers...
Published 04/08/18