Song: Yidden Sung by Chaim Ghoori & Mendy Worch Inspiration by Chaim Ghoori   Over the last year we have seen an incredible amount of ahavas yisroel. When we are able to put our differences aside and look deeper into another Yid, we will find someone who is so precious and so pure. Rarely a song comes out and shines this light on every Yid the way the song "Yidden" does. Produced by Thank You Hashem, it is a song that has helped Yidden around the world see the greatness of their...
Published 07/21/24
Song: Tefillas HaShlah Composed by: Yitzy Waldner Sung by: Yitzy Waldner & Yaakov Shwekey Inspiration by: Yitzy Waldner   Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan is a special day to daven for the spiritual success of our precious children. Written by the Shlah Hakadosh, Rav Yeshaya Halevi Ish Horowitz, over 400 years ago, this tefilla speaks of the yearning and hope of every Jewish parent, to have righteous and successful children. I reached out to composer Yitzy Waldner to talk about his personal...
Published 06/03/24
Published 06/03/24
The Classic Bar Yochai Insight & Inspiration by Rabbi Moshe Ginian Written by HaRav Shimon Lavi zt"l     Lag Ba'omeris is here! Music is back! But let's take a minute to delve into this classic song that Jews throughout the world sing on this holy day.   May the power of this day bring redemption to all of Klal Yisroel b'mheiru b'yameinu amen.     No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: (605) 477-2100 UK: 0333-366-0154 ...
Published 05/22/24
Vehi Sheamda   Composed by Yonatan Razel   Sung by: Yaakov Shwekey   Insights & Inspiration by: Yaakov Shwekey     As we prepare for Pesach amidst so much turmoil in the world, and specifically the danger in which Klal Yisroel faces from so many of its enemies, we can't help but thank Hashem for all the chessed He has done for us recently. Time and time again Hashem has protected us from annihilation, but we are seeing in our generation the crystal clear hashgacha of Hashem in...
Published 04/17/24
Thank You Hashem Sung By: Joey Newcomb It's Purim season! A very special time to recognize all the good Hashem does in our life and all the miracles we need to be grateful for. In this episode, Joey takes us behind the scenes where the song originated and how the title of the song is really the essence of who the Jewish People are.   No Internet? No smartphone? No problem!   Our free call-in-to listen feature is here:   USA: (605) 477-2100 UK: 0333-366-0154 ISRAEL: 079-579-5088   ...
Published 03/20/24
Riboin   Composed by: Yossi Muller     Sung by: Beri Weber       Tapping into the great kindness Hashem does for us on a daily basis, composer Yossi Muller gives a beautiful insight into the popular song Ribon.     With Beri Weber's angelic voice and stunning performance on this song, the message takes on a completely different meaning.      No Internet? No smartphone? No problem!   Our free call-in-to listen feature is here:   USA: (605) 477-2100 UK: 0333-366-0154 ...
Published 02/28/24
Amcha Yisroel-One Heart Composed by: Yitzchok Rosenthal Sung by: Shalsheles Junior   Intertwining the theme of Chanukah with the situation in Israel, Yitzchok Rosenthal captures the mood of the moment in this newly released song, Amcha Yisroel - One Heart. May we all merit to see open miracles today as we experienced back then.   Watch full song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqkH_Jluevs&ab_channel=shalshelesmusic   No Internet? No smartphone? No problem!   Our...
Published 12/11/23
Song: Chanukah is Here  Composed by: Elimelech Blumstein Sung by: Zusha     We're living in dark times. With what's going on in Eretz Yisroel and the spread of anti semitism around the world, the Yom Tov of Chanukah brings a much needed light to the Jewish world.     Baruch Hashem, over the last few months we have witnessed communities and individuals from across Klal Yisroel who have spread their light to others. Chanukah is a time to bring that light to new levels.     May you...
Published 12/04/23
Recording this episode just one week after the tragic events in Eretz Yisroel on Simchas Torah, I tried to find the right song that could express the feelings of all Klal Yisroel at this moment. Yaakov Shwekey's "Cry No More" fit the feeling, expressing our sole desire to reunite with Hakadosh Baruch Hu in a world with no more pain and no more tears.   It is my fervent wish that all the Torah learned, tefillos davened, chessed done, and achdus that has been expressed this past week, be...
Published 10/23/23
As the holiest days of the year approach us, we decided to do something very different and help your understand the meaning behind the words of davening and the inspiration for some of the most popular niggunim.   No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: (712) 432-3489 UK: 0333-366-0154 ISRAEL: 079-579-5088     Follow us for more content: TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@livinglchaim Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/livinglchaim/ ...
Published 09/10/23
With Elul just around the corner, it's a great time to start focusing on the King, Hakadosh Boruch Hu.   I reached out to Zusha to give some insight into their powerful song "King", and was treated to an amazing background story.   Thank you to Zusha, Shlomo Gaisin and Zachary Goldschmiedt.   No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: (712) 432-3489 UK: 0333-366-0154 ISRAEL: 079-579-5088     Follow us for more content: TikTok -...
Published 08/07/23
With just a few days away till Shavuos, EItan Katz's Ki Karov serves as a perfect reminder to all of us that we are so close to being great in Torah and Avodas Hashem. One should never think he's not capable. Hashem tells us "Ki Karov", it's in your heart. All we need to do is dig a little and we'll find greatness. Wishing everyone a beautiful Yom Tov!     No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: (712) 432-3489 UK: 0333-366-0154 ISRAEL:...
Published 05/22/23
As we count the days leading up to Kabalas HaTorah, the words of vehoer einienu that we say in davening everyday have extra meaning and significance as we try to build ourselves up in our connection to learning Torah and Avodas Hashem.   Listen here as Pesach Woznika tells the background and inspiration behind this classic song that first appeared on the Yehudah! Eftach Pi album over 20 years ago.     No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is...
Published 05/01/23
Afikoman by Eli Levin As we head into Pesach, many of us remember the tragic passing of Yisroel Levin and Elisheva Kaplan on Chol Hamoed a few years ago. But something that people will never forget was how Yisroel's father was able to put his own pain and grief on the side and think of the rest of Klal Yisroel, as he requested 10,000 shidduchim for Klal Yisroel as compensation for the "Afikoman" that was taken for them.   Subsequently, Yisroel's brother Eli sat down and wrote a stunning...
Published 04/02/23
IT'S ADAR TIME!  Composed by Joey Newcomb Sung by: Joey Newcomb & Benny Friedman   There's no better musician in the Jewish world today that brings simcha to Klal Yisroel quite like Joey Newcomb. Listen in how Joey wrote this fun, yet powerful, niggun. From the darkest times of our history comes a shining light of a song. ENJOY!   No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: (712) 432-3489 UK: 0333-366-0154 ISRAEL:...
Published 02/28/23
Yismichu-Shabbos Kodesh Composed by Shlomo Katz     Everyone knows that slow, meaningful songs are the trademark of so many inspirational Shabbos tables around the globe. But when Shlomo Katz introduced the world to this Shabbos Kodesh niggun it brought an added electricity to the Shabbos tisch.     Listen here how Shlomo Katz came up with the inspiration to this amazing song.     No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: (712)...
Published 01/24/23
Composed by Rav Shmuel Brazil.   A timeless classic, sung throughout the world over the eight days of Chanukah, has so much depth in the words.    Rav Shmuel Brazil, the composer of this classic, gives us a deeper meaning into the words, that could help us get out of our rote ways of serving Hashem and bring us into a higher and more meaningful level.   No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: (712) 432-3489 UK: 0333-366-0154 ...
Published 12/22/22
A song of unity. A song of inspiration.   Yitzchok Rosenthal, the founder and composer behind Shalsheles, takes us behind the scenes into this beautiful song that is still sung at kumzitzes around the world.   No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: (712) 432-3489 UK: 0333-366-0154 ISRAEL: 079-579-5088   Follow us for more content: TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@livinglchaim Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/livinglchaim/ ...
Published 11/29/22
The 11th of Cheshvan is Rachel Imeinu's Yahrtzeit, and as the Jewish people flock to her burial place to daven for salvation, she is still looking down and davening for all of us. May the tears shed at Kever Rachel, along with the tears of all of Klal Yisroel bring this galus to an end, bimheira biyameinu amen.   Beautifully composed by Simcha Leiner.   No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: (712) 432-3489 UK: 0333-366-0154 ISRAEL:...
Published 11/06/22
The Piaseczna Niggun was composed by the South African brother in law duo Derech Achim. The song tells the fascinating story of the great Piaseczna Rebbe (whose Yahrzeit is today-the 5th of Cheshvan), his background, his influence, and the rejuvenation of his works after the Holocaust. The background to the writing of this song is just as fascinating. Hope you enjoy.   No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here:   USA: (712) 432-3489 UK:...
Published 10/30/22
It's that time of year, when we daven the beautiful tefillas of the Yomim Noraim through song, and somehow, some way, it takes us to higher places.   I reached out to Joey Newcomb to share with us his favorite musical moments of the Yomim Noraim.     Gmar Chasima Tova!     No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here:   USA: (712) 432-3489 UK: 0333-366-0154 ISRAEL: 079-579-5088   Follow us for more content:   TikTok -...
Published 10/03/22
Song: Mayim Rabim / אני לדודי ודודי לי  Composed by Jared Lazarus of Derech Achim   With Rosh Hashana just a few weeks away, I felt it appropriate to highlight a song that has slowly but surely gotten on to everyone's playlist. Composed and sung by the group Derech Achim from South Africa, the song Mayim Rabim/Ani l'dodi v'dodi li can get you ready for the Yomim Noraim by just listening to it. Add the powerful background and story behind the song and it could take you to a completely...
Published 09/19/22
As Klal Yisroel continues with the theme of nechama in the haftorahs following Tisha b'Av, what greater consolement could there be than to realize the love that Hashem has for us, which in turn helps us love Him even more.     Composed by: Michoel Shapiro Sung by: R' Shlomo Katz   No Internet? No smartphone? No problem! Our free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: (712) 432-3489 UK: 0333-366-0154 ISRAEL: 079-579-5088 Follow us for more content: TikTok -...
Published 08/24/22
Special Shabbos Nachamu Edition! Mourning is difficult. Hardship and tragedy are tough to rise up from. But Hashem has promised His people that there will come a day when we will forget our pain and rise up from the floor and smile once again. Our new and free call-in-to listen feature is here: USA: (712) 432-3489 UK: 0333-366-0154 ISRAEL: 079-579-5088 Follow us for more content: TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@livinglchaim Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/livinglchaim/ ...
Published 08/08/22