Beth Steinberg of Mensch Ventures: The Need for Responsible HR Practices from Day One
Tech and VC has not had a good year HR-wise, because so many employees and founders have had bad years for so long. Things have reached a breaking point recently, and those who are trying to fix the problems are scrambling for answers.
I reached out to Beth Steinberg, former SVP of People at Brightroll, to ask what could be done to prevent situations like Uber and what we've seen out of the VC world. It was a thoughtful discussion and a good start down the path to learning more. I'll be dedicating a lot of time over the next few months to more conversations about creating cultures of respect, dealing with employee issues, and improving behavior in the tech community.
Nadia Danford convinces candidates in a very competitive labor market that working for a startup that sells insurance is going to be awesome--that's just how good she and her in-house recruiting team is. We spent time talking about how they do that, and what it means to bring recruiting...
Published 04/30/18
Stephanie is responsible for all things people at Button, which was voted the #1 Place to Work in NYC by Crain's. She handles recruiting, learning & development, performance management, compensation, and people happiness programs.
In the show, we talked about how her experience at larger...
Published 04/09/18