Published 07/30/24
On the thirteenth day of the battle, Drona arranged his forces in the Chakra Vyuha ( or Wheel) formation. Only Arjun knew the secret technique to penetrate the Chakra Vyuha. With Arjun far away fighting the Samsaptaks, the Pandavas were in trouble. Abhimanyu, the teenage son of Arjun, told his uncles that he knew how to break open and enter the Chakra Vyuha but he didn't know the technique to get out of it. The Pandavas assured, if he could help break the formation, they would ensure his safe...
Published 03/27/22
Dron's failure to capture Yudhistir frustrates Duryodhan. Trigarta King Susharma, his brothers and allies vow to draw away Arjun from the main action and kill him. But when the war begins on the twelfth day, Arjun destroys them mercilessly. King Bhagadatta, riding his huge elephant, attacks Arjun with his Vaishnavastra, a weapon that no mortal can survive. Krishna once again rises to the occasion and saves his beloved friend. Dron tries his best to capture Yudhistir, but fails again. Listen...
Published 01/19/22
On the eleventh day morning, Karna visits the great Kaurava patriarch Bhishma lying on a bed of arrows to seek his blessings. Meanwhile in the Kaurava camp, Duryodhan is in a fix to select his new commander-in chief. After deliberation … Continue reading →
Published 09/20/21
Yudhistir and his brothers beg Bhishma for his life. Bhishma obliges by giving them the only strategy that can kill him. Arjun, with a heavy heart, follows his instructions. He uses Sikhandi as his shield and attacks Bhishma on the … Continue reading →
Published 06/02/21
On day nine of the Kurukshetra war, Bhishma unleashed his fury like never before. The Pandavas suffered severe losses and realized that if Bhishma continued his rampage in this form, nobody could prevent their defeat. Arjun, on whom the Pandavas … Continue reading →
Published 01/19/21
The Kurukshetra battle continues for the seventh and eighth day. Pandavas clearly have an upper hand. Bhishma, Drona, Kripacharya all try their best but Arjun, Bheem and the other Pandava warriors seem indomitable.  Iravan, son of Arjun, fights valiantly but … Continue reading →
Published 09/09/20
As the great battle of Kurukshetra continues, both the Pandavas and the Kauravas suffer huge losses. Great warriors are killed. Thousands of soldiers lost their lives. Bhurisraba kills ten sons of Satyaki. Bhagadatta mounts his elephant and almost kills Bheem. … Continue reading →
Published 05/05/20
The Kurukshetra war rages on. Bheem was unstoppable on the second day. He wrecked havoc on the Kaurava army and none of the Kaurava generals succeeded in controlling him.  On the third day, Duryodhan was almost killed by Bheem. Duryodhan’s … Continue reading →
Published 11/06/19
After Krishna returns with Arjuna to the Panadava formation,  Yudhistir dismounts from his chariot and walks towards the Kaurava army to seek blessings from his gurus. Bhisma, Dron, Kripa, and Salya wish them victory. Then, with the blowing of the … Continue reading →
Published 03/28/19
On the first day of the war, Krishna drives Arjuna’s chariot to the middle of the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Watching Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and many of his relatives and friends assembled on the Kaurava side as his opponent, Arjuna is … Continue reading →
Published 10/08/18
The huge armies of the Kauravas and the Pandavas assemble on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Bhisma vows to kill 10,000 Pandava soldiers a day. Arjun assures Yudhistir of victory. The Kaurava and the Pandava generals meet and decide on the … Continue reading →
Published 07/17/18
The war of Kurukshetra is imminent. The Kauravas and the Pandavas prepare to engage in the battlefield. The day before the war, the Kaurava generals meet to formulate their strategy. Bhisma, tells Duryodhan and his men, that although he is … Continue reading →
Published 04/01/18
With the war looming large, Kunti is scared for her sons. Although the Pandava brothers are strong and powerful, they are not invincible. The Kauravas have great warriors like Bhishma, Dron, Kripa and Karna, and with their combined might, they … Continue reading →
Published 01/16/18