In Game of Thrones, Tyrion Lannister recounts a story to his brother Jaime about their cousin Orson, who spent his days crushing beetles with a rock. The tale is simple, yet it speaks volumes about the complexity of human behaviour, the nature of evil, and how we, as individuals, respond to it. Tyrion's contemplation about Orson's actions leads to profound philosophical questions: why do people commit seemingly meaningless acts of destruction? Why do they harm others? The metaphor of...
Published 10/15/24
In the words of the Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius, “It is the responsibility of leadership to work intelligently with what is given and not waste time fantasizing about a world of flawless people and perfect choices.” This wisdom extends beyond leadership, applying to how we manage our lives, relationships, and daily challenges. The essence of Stoicism, which Marcus Aurelius practiced and wrote about, emphasizes the importance of accepting reality as it is and working...
Published 10/08/24
Published 10/08/24
Did you know that we become physically stronger not in the gym, but afterwards, during recovery? It's when we’re resting—on the couch, drinking water, and watching TV—that our muscles rebuild and strengthen. This principle doesn’t just apply to the body; it holds true for the mind and soul as well. Mental fortitude is developed during periods of recovery, when we return to our baseline and heal.However, it’s essential to note that recovery alone isn't enough. Just as muscles don't grow...
Published 10/01/24
In this episode, I delve into the profound insights that arise from confronting life's challenges. Drawing parallels with mixed martial arts (MMA)—particularly the fighting philosophy of Khabib Nurmagomedov—I emphasize the duality of human nature and the importance of facing our weaker selves. By embracing discomfort and adversity, we can foster personal growth, resilience, and humility. Find this episode on:https://linktr.ee/Strongstoic The Strong Stoic Podcast is a raw, honest, and...
Published 09/24/24
The episode explores the idea of being convinced in your heart that you're doing the best you can with what you've been given. It emphasizes that true contentment and happiness come from developing your character and putting forth your best effort, rather than seeking worldly success.  It also highlights the importance of detachment from outcomes and focusing on virtue. The episode also touches on the idea that even in the face of failure or difficult circumstances, if you are convinced in...
Published 09/17/24
In today’s episode, I’m diving into the idea of embracing adversity and finding joy in doing hard things. We’ll explore the importance of strength—both in Stoicism and Christianity—and how bearing heavy burdens can shape us. I’ll talk about the concept of worthiness, reminding us that while everything worth doing is hard, not all hard things are worth our time. We’ll examine the connection between a task’s difficulty and its payoff and why it’s essential to cultivate our strengths and...
Published 09/10/24
We often procrastinate happiness, believing that achieving certain goals will make us happy. However, looking back, we realize that achieving those goals did not bring lasting happiness. We constantly put off being happy, thinking that once we reach a certain point in life, everything will be fine. But life proves us wrong, and we continue to deceive ourselves. One of the reasons for this is our inability to truly understand and accept our mortality. It is only when we fully grasp the fact...
Published 09/03/24
Life has its ups and downs, with moments of chaos and moments of peace. It's important to remember that these phases are temporary and that everything in life is impermanent. In the midst of chaos, it can be difficult to believe that things will get better, but reminding ourselves that 'this too shall pass' can provide comfort and perspective. Similarly, in times of peace and happiness, it's important to appreciate and not take for granted the good times, as they too will eventually pass....
Published 08/27/24
Today, I dive deep into a powerful episode about the baggage we accumulate as we move through life. It’s all too easy to feel weighed down by our burdens, making it difficult to express our true selves and embrace vulnerability. But here’s the transformative truth: the antidote to this heaviness lies in strength—both physical and emotional. I explore how developing our strength allows us to navigate life’s challenges with grace and confidence. We are reminded that each of us is a divine...
Published 08/20/24
In this episode, I explore the importance of managing emotions and their impact on our lives. Emotions are a key part of human development and influence us throughout our journey. I discuss Stoic teachings that highlight the need to process and control our emotional responses. I also delve into how community and society shape our emotional reactions and set standards for behavior. I'll emphasize the importance of aligning our emotions with our values and using reason to guide our actions....
Published 08/13/24
In this episode, I reflect on the concept of finding enjoyment in pain and suffering. Drawing from Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground, I explore the idea that complaining and moaning about pain can provide a strange sense of satisfaction. We'll delve into how people often spread their pain to others, appealing to bitterness and resentment. I'll discuss the different ways we can respond to pain: suffering in silence, expressing pain honestly without complaining, and seeking support from...
Published 07/24/24
The episode explores the idea of being harsh with oneself as a means of self-improvement. It discusses the concept of sin and salvation from a Stoic perspective, emphasizing the importance of recognizing one's own faults and shortcomings. The episode highlights the contrast between the Stoic philosophy and the modern idea of self-acceptance and avoiding self-criticism. It emphasizes the need to hold oneself to a high standard and be willing to feel bad when one falls short. The episode also...
Published 07/16/24
Join me in this episode as we explore the vital role challenges play in our personal growth journey. Discover how embracing challenges as opportunities can lead to profound self-discovery, resilience, and character development.  I'll share insights on voluntary challenges and how they can bring meaning and fulfillment to our lives. Get ready to unlock your full potential and embark on a transformative journey towards a more purposeful existence. Find this episode...
Published 07/09/24
Pride is often seen as a negative trait, associated with excessive ego and hubris. However, there are different meanings and contexts for pride. Excessive pride stems from the belief that one is the center of the universe, while pride in one's work or country means upholding certain standards and values.  Being a patriot means taking pride in one's country while recognizing our shared humanity. It is important to differentiate between pride and being prideful, as the former involves living...
Published 07/02/24
In this episode, I dive deep into the concept of procrastination and how it impacts our ability to live a fulfilling life. I emphasize the importance of embracing the present moment and acting with virtue. We all have a sense of what it means to live a good life, yet often struggle to consistently align our actions with those values. Drawing inspiration from Seneca, I explore how procrastination robs us of the present and the chance to be our best selves. Find this episode...
Published 06/25/24
This episode explores the idea of living in the present moment and not worrying about the future. It emphasizes the Stoic philosophy of accepting and bearing whatever comes our way. I discuss how we often suffer more in imagination than in reality and how we can endure and manage difficult situations in the present moment. I also touch on the fear of death and the importance of being present and grateful for the current moment. Find this episode on:https://linktr.ee/Strongstoic The Strong...
Published 06/18/24
This episode explores the fear of criticism and the impact it has on people's lives. It emphasizes the idea that criticism is inevitable and that trying to avoid it by doing nothing is not a fulfilling way to live. This episode encourages listeners to be courageous and true to themselves, even if it means facing criticism. It also highlights the importance of being genuine and authentic in order to form meaningful connections with others. This episode is also available on...
Published 06/11/24
In this episode, I discuss Jocko Willink's idea of Extreme Ownership, and whether or not it is a Stoic principle. This episode is also available on YouTube. Transcripts can be found on Substack: https://strongstoic.substack.com/ Find this episode on:https://linktr.ee/Strongstoic The Strong Stoic Podcast is a raw, honest, and unapologetically deep podcast about philosophy and self-improvement. Join your host, Brandon Tumblin, as he breaks down a wide variety of complex and difficult topics...
Published 06/04/24
From the time we first open our eyes and are able to perceive colours, we are fascinated with heroes. Children may not understand the philosophy or psychology of a hero, yet they can easily become encapsulated by the virtuous acts of other people. Batman happens to be one that many get drawn into. But Batman is no ordinary hero. In fact, one may be challenged to call him a hero at all. He is a dark individual, suffering from the loss of his parents. He also blurs the lines quite often,...
Published 05/28/24
This episode explores the concept of joy in Stoicism and its relationship with Epicureanism. The host discusses how joy is often misunderstood in Stoic philosophy and clarifies that it is not about constant cheerfulness but rather about fully accepting and finding gratitude in every aspect of life. The episode also touches on the importance of practicing gratitude, focusing on the present moment, and finding joy in the little things. This episode is also available on YouTube. Transcripts can...
Published 05/21/24
In this episode, Brandon explores the idea that we often lie to ourselves about why we act in certain toxic ways. He discusses how we attribute our emotions and reactions to external circumstances, when in reality, they are a result of our own choices. Brandon emphasizes the importance of accepting the tough realities of life and not using external factors as excuses for our behaviour. He encourages taking responsibility for our emotions and responses and striving for eudaimonia, or optimal...
Published 05/14/24
Sharon Lebell is a bestselling author, speaker, composer, and performing musician. She wrote The Art of Living: The Classical Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness, which is a book I highly recommend. In this episode, Sharon and I discuss the adventures of our lives, how to deal with the pleasant times and unpleasant times, the difference between action, thought, and intention, how to be empathetic, and more. We centre the conversation around Sam’s speech from The Lord of the Rings:...
Published 05/07/24
The concept of Chaos and Order is associated with Taoism. It’s rather simple: life is divided between Chaos and Order. Too much Chaos is bad, and too much Order is bad. This is a Stoic podcast, sure, but there is much that we can gain by understanding this concept. And there may actually be more overlap than you think. How can the concept of Chaos and Order be understood through a Stoic lens? And how can we implement this idea in our daily life? This episode is also available on...
Published 04/30/24
Mike Ryan is an award-winning professional musician, songwriter, studio owner, and author from my home province of Nova Scotia (that’s up in Canada, eh). He also hosts a podcast, the Mike and Kristen Podcast, with his wife, Kristen Herrington, who appeared on the Strong Stoic last year on Episode #249. In this episode, Mike and I discuss music, and the role it plays in our lives. We also talk enjoying the process on the road to success, collaborations, cold plunging, Tom Petty, our...
Published 04/23/24