Helping Another or Yourself | Reb Avreimel's Shmuz Ep. 03
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The importance of helping others... R' Yitzchak wants the merit to get married once again... Who did R' Yisrael Chaim help?! Join us on a powerful journey with Reb Avreimel.
The importance of hacharas hatov... The Chazon Ish sits in the back of the truck... What did he do that R' Shmuel won't be ashamed? The Chazon Ish finds him a chavrusah... Join us on a powerful journey with Reb Avreimel.
Eating basar bechalav vs. insulting a wife??? Getting stuck in Eastern Jerusalem… Postcards save her from the lion’s den… Keep away but be respectful! For all that and more, hop aboard for another adventure with Rebbi Mendel!