The importance of hacharas hatov... The Chazon Ish sits in the back of the truck... What did he do that R' Shmuel won't be ashamed? The Chazon Ish finds him a chavrusah... Join us on a powerful journey with Reb Avreimel.
Published 01/15/21
Published 01/15/21
Eating basar bechalav vs. insulting a wife??? Getting stuck in Eastern Jerusalem… Postcards save her from the lion’s den… Keep away but be respectful! For all that and more, hop aboard for another adventure with Rebbi Mendel!
Published 12/31/20
A chosson calls the police for his own wedding?! Why didn't he order a catering? Young Yankaleh Galinsky sneaks into the Immigrant Camps… How was he able to get the Yemenite children out of there??? Hop aboard for another adventure with Rebbi Mendel!
Published 12/24/20
The importance of helping others... R' Yitzchak wants the merit to get married once again... Who did R' Yisrael Chaim help?! Join us on a powerful journey with Reb Avreimel.
Published 12/18/20
R’ Nachum’s ancient menorah… What made him so sad on Chanukah? Lighting neiros neshamah on Chanukah?! The special turning point!... Hop aboard for another adventure with Rebbi Mendel!
Published 12/15/20
Vayeishev: - Rav Yossel refuses entering Gan Eden, Could it be?! losing everything vs forgiving & forgetting. Yosef Hatzadik overcame his emotions and more with Uncle Yitzy.
Published 12/13/20
The kid with a hollow-watermelon-head… What made Ze’ev change his mind about marrying a goyesheh girl? Why did he deserve three candies instead of one?! A Yid takes a commitment to pun on tefillin only on Shabbos… Hop aboard for another adventure with Rebbi Mendel!
Published 12/10/20
Was Yitzchak's dream true??? What brought back Uri's poor son? The most special time on Chanukah... Join us on a powerful journey with Reb Avreimel.
Published 12/10/20
Vayishlach___ Why was Rabbi Stern saved from his surgery? An old man that couldn’t go out for an entire week! A father calls his son a sheigetz… The mother turns over her curse… A Sweet Minute… Hop aboard for another adventure with Rebbi Mendel!
Published 12/04/20
Vayishlach___ A Yid suffers bitterly from his friend's terrible humiliations; yet he keeps quiet, and Hashem takes him close to care for him and give him all his needs... Join us on the first episode with Reb Avreimel.
Published 12/04/20
R’ Shlomo’s jealousy… What did Shlomo get besides for his new Toyota? Moshiach’s juicy songs… A choson with peyos only on one side… Hop aboard for another adventure with Rebbi Mendel!
Published 11/27/20
Parshas Vayeitzei: Yaakov Avinus ladder leads to greatness, How can we ascend to greater heights? Shloimys secret power. and more on this weeks Uncle Yitzy Show,
Published 11/27/20
Parshas Toldos - Yitzchak Avinu wants a son like Eisav? Humiliations are a good thing… Hashem hears the neighbors’ cry and heals Chana Yentel… Hop aboard for another weekend with Rebbi Mendel!
Published 11/19/20
Parshas Toldos - what is Hashem truly yearning for. The treasure hidden in our voice. How the Chafetz Chaim and Rabbi Mutzafi saved their children, all this and more in this weeks Uncle Yitzy Show! --- New! call now The Sweetkeit Line: (972) 0765-980-394, for some excellent content - stories, ideas and even leave Your own Sweetkeit Messages.
Published 11/19/20
Eliezer Eved Avraham loses out… Yiftach's failing pryers… Eliezer gains eternal life… The selfish man becomes supper for the lion… Hop aboard for our fourth show with Rebbi Mendel!
Published 11/13/20
'Parshas Chayei Sarah' - L'ilui Nishmas: Yisrael Menachem Mendel ben Chaim Yehoshua z"l - the Torah reveals' the true Sarah Imeinu - Growing young and living with True Success - the humble are uplifted and more at The Uncle Yitzy Show Ep. 04
Published 11/13/20
Parshas Veyeira with Rebbi Mendel: Avraham Avinu makes Hashem wait… Forsake Hashem to keep the mitzvos?! Humiliating another Yid because of a halacha… What saved Yoni’s young life? Hop in for another adventure with Rebbi Mendel.
Published 11/05/20
'Parshas Vayeira' Avraham Avinu reveals' to us what is the true happiness, Mr. Schwartz saved hundreds of people including himself from a certain death and more... at The Uncle Yitzi Show Ep. 03
Published 11/05/20
Why doesn't the Torah mention Avraham Avinu's rescue from the fire? What's greater, pity for a helpless man or a successful one? Avi's miracle, but your even greater miracle... Hop in for another adventure with Rebbi Mendel.
Published 10/29/20
Where are the beautiful cities that once stood upright by the Dead Sea?! Why did Eliezer, Avraham's servant, throw a rock at the judge? Okay, at least he got to enjoy the entire feast all by himself! Join us on the Uncle Yitzy Show alongside Eliezer on his journey to Sodom
Published 10/27/20
Why was the Teiva that big? Why did it take so long to build it? Two men walking with a cane, but only one breaks his front teeth… Hop in for some real fun with Rebbi Mendel.
Published 10/22/20
Can I also be like Avraham Avinu?! How Nechemiah won the Nazis! Join us on the weekly Uncle Yitzy Show every Tuesday for some real fun contents.
Published 10/12/20