John and Dan discuss Steve Jobs dressed as Willy Wonka, RIM and who really needs to wake up, mobile profits and design sense, the Pebble, and Ebert's greatest films list and a survey of great directors.
Published 05/02/12
Published 05/02/12
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin discuss the availability unavailability of WWDC tickets, analyst *estimates* and Apple's earnings, Google Drive, clicky keyboards, sitting and standing, and hoagies, subs, and grinders.
Published 04/25/12
John and Dan discuss iOS text editors, Read It Later/Pocket going free, Pinboard, WWDC, The Android Lockdown, the future of Windows and Nokia, and the James Bond novels going Amazon.
Published 04/18/12
John and Dan talk about the Flashback virus, Instagram, Facebook, privacy, the dominant platform, the General Lee, the 4-inch iPhone, and much more.
Published 04/11/12
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin discuss Instagram for Android, Papermill (Instapaper for Android), iPhone wifi utilization, the iPad hotspot, the Lumia 900, the Mac Pro's future, and Readability.
Published 04/04/12
Jim Dalrymple is back with Dan Benjamin to talk about journalist responsibility in the wake of Warmgate, international 4G and things Apple didn't think of, patents and trademarks and how much care Apple gives them when naming products, guitars, domains, and a major announcement.
Published 03/28/12
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin discuss how dinosaurs publish digital magazines, the speed and signal of LTE on the new iPad, and the Mike Daisey fiasco.
Published 03/20/12
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin discuss the pixels, speed, and battery of the new iPad and how they make it much more than a simple update, the iPad event, tradeoffs in iPad and iPhone design, and how to handle being spotted with a prototype in public.
Published 03/15/12
John Gruber is on vacation so Dan Benjamin is joined by Jim Dalrymple of The Loop to discuss Apple rumors, 20 years of publishing and following Apple, the new iPad, iPhoto, the future of Apple, and much more.
Published 03/09/12
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin talk about whether Michael Knight's keyboard could replace the Apple Extended Keyboard, the upcoming iPad event and potential software demos, the future of One More Thing, whether Siri and LTE will come to iPad 3, and who will be on stage.
Published 02/29/12
John and Dan discuss the Nightline Foxconn report, fake Pokemon apps, Google's HUD glasses, lasik, cookies and privacy, the iPad 3, the MLB, and Nielsen/Arbitron ratings in the modern day world.
Published 02/22/12
On this truly Big Week, John Gruber and Dan Benjamin are joined by John Siracusa to discuss Gruber's personal keynote, who Apple is competing with, the new features in Mountain Lion, the future of the Mac and iCloud, and being off the record.
Published 02/17/12
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin talk about the rumors of iPad 3, Windows 8 on ARM, LTE hardware, and Google Drive, about the Super Bowl ad Apple didn't run, the Samsung stylus, and Path doing the wrong thing the wrong way.
Published 02/09/12
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin discuss the evolution of MacWorld|iWorld, the evolution and future of cameras and camera makers, the Y-Combinator startup caught red-handed, Final Cut Pro Updates, laptop bags, Super Bowl winners that make John sick, the inevitable Facebook IPO, search engines, and Apple factories.
Published 02/01/12
John and Dan discuss Thorsten Heins and the future of RIM, Verizon's new numbers, the camera-less Singaporean iPhone, Zeldman's accident, and the iPad 3 rumors.
Published 01/24/12
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin discuss the iPhone ringer switch, the behavior of switches and buttons on smartphones, how many levels of volume you need, dedicated camera buttons, keyboards, Apple's upcoming education event, and some of the most important follow up ever.
Published 01/18/12
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin talk about every single interesting thing at CES, employees and monkeys that Apple sends to the show, Steve Jobs' education pre-announcement, more iOS multitasking, taking Samsung into Enderle territory, John's predictions for 2012, Bond on Blu-ray, quantum leaping back to high school.
Published 01/11/12
This week, John Gruber and Dan Benjamin discuss the TSA, Siracusa's and The New York Times' possessives, financial transaction processors, Apple Geniuses killing flies with flamethrowers, an Apple announcement in New York, coin-op games, and bring the episode to a shocking conclusion.
Published 01/04/12
This week, John Gruber and Dan Benjamin wonder about girl hobbits, updating HR FluffyPuff to Ice Cream Sandwich, transforming tablets, RIM and Baghdad Bob, all the Kindle Fires under Christmas Trees, John's driving record, and John makes someone a millionaire with whiteout diamonds.
Published 12/23/11
This week, John Gruber and Dan Benjamin talk about John's appearance On The Verge, the new Apple Store in Grand Central Station, John's pro-fact bias, rooting for underdogs, laggy interfaces in Mac OS X and Android, new Twitter, the titles and bits of Bond films, and Louis CK's indie content and success.
Published 12/14/11
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin talk about CarrierIQ, the Penny, Starbucks, Apple's Grand Central Terminal Store, The Verge, Johnny Carson on David Letterman, the Apple TV rumors, and more.
Published 12/07/11
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin discuss game consoles, Retina Displays coming to the the iPad 3 and future MacBooks, a 15-inch MacBook Air, Zuckerberg's apology, the Carrier IQ scandal, the allure of free shipping, and the demise of Hypercard.
Published 11/30/11
John Gruber and Dan Benjamin talk about the evolution and failure to evolve of print media as it tried to move to the web, independent and corporate journalism, the beginnings of Daring Fireball, classifieds, good vs. bad sponsorships, Android's lack of traction, the tablet industry, and Thanksgiving around the world.
Published 11/23/11
Dan Benjamin and John Gruber discuss the new AIM, MUJI gloves, the Kindle Fire, Steven Levy, the Macintosh llci, iTunes Match, the promised revamping of the Netflix iPad app, Siri and more.
Published 11/16/11