The 4 Mindset Shifts I Adopted to have a Stress - Free Launch this Back Friday
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WHOA! We just went through a wild and wonderful past four weeks of launching the Instagram Academy for Coaches 2021 (2nd Launch! Can you believe it?!). I remember the first time I launched my program. That first launch it was my friends and family and you,  who had been supporting me throughout my journey. I was so freaked out the whole time, not exactly sure what to expect just as you were too. You also didn't quite understand what exactly I was launching or what does this whole "launch" mean in the first place. Yet, you showed up, watched my Masterclass and took the time out to message me, share it on your stories, send me emails and congratulatory messages. It was the best feeling ever! Yet, I did not celebrate it. Having a product of my own is such a big deal! It took me months to get to that stage! Yet, I was depressed that I couldn't enroll hundreds of people into my program (so stupid!). Ever since that first launch, I have had a very adverse feeling towards launches in general. It is time consuming, and on top of that, if you don't hit your targets, then halfway through the launch you wanna give up. Which is what I did that first time around. After launching my program, I probably spoke about IAC Doors being open for 1-2 days. After that I just curled up in my bed and said, I don't wanna sell anymore! I slept through my launch! 😂 I then started hating my business. I would wanna puke every time I see content or launches. That's when I decided to slow down, stop posting, take a break and then get on a self discovery journey. A journey that included therapy, self healing, vision board, self care, lots of manicures and shopping. And then I came back with a BANG! With so much  more CLARITY. So, this launch I decided to make some changes to my mindset. It is all about the mindset after all, right? So, in this podcast episode, I am going to talk to you about the 4 main mindset shifts I made to be able to go through my entire launch process with the same energy and vigor. If this interests you, then make sure to give it a listen and let me know what you think at [email protected] or send me a DM at taniastanly. --- Send in a voice message: