In this lively episode, join our hosts as they delve into a heated discussion about culinary skills and preferences. The conversation begins with a spicy challenge, as our hosts try out different dishes with varying levels of heat, leading to a humorous and spirited exchange about what...
Published 11/18/24
With Matt still away on his holiday in Wales, Stu is still standing in for this week's "Tapas Episode", and Jane is still with the Amigo's as they delve into the intriguing dynamics of drinking before an early morning flight.
They explore the cultural significance of enjoying a Guinness in...
Published 11/08/24
In this heartfelt episode, we welcome Jane, a remarkable woman sharing her unique journey through life's challenges. Jane, a devoted wife and mother, opens up about her husband's battle with a series of health issues that began two decades ago, reshaping their lives in unexpected ways.
Published 11/04/24