Let’s talk about inner peace! The peace that only can come from resting the mind and quieting the heart.
Published 02/06/24
Published 02/06/24
We have to stop judging others because they are on chapter 1 of their life and we are in our chapter 5. When we pass judgment we’re taking away the miracle that Jesus is trying to work in other peoples lives. But what we are also doing a speaking on someone based on an area of brokenness in ourself!
Published 01/30/24
Let’s talk about judgment day. Are we going to be judge just by our external services? I think internal works is also important
Published 01/22/24
Have you found yourself in a rut and you just don’t know how to get out! God revealed to me just the other day and I was very reluctant to share that I struggle with passivity. Where did this come from, trauma. Let’s talk about overcoming passivity
Published 01/15/24
Have you been feeling out of the loop with God? Maybe you’re having spiritual fatigue. It’s not the same as spiritual warfare so let’s talk about it so you don’t feel alone
Published 01/08/24
I am continuing on the series of the book the garden within by Dr. Anita Phillips. Today were talking about our emotions and our broken hearts.
Published 12/18/23
I want to continue on what I talked about last week based off the book the garden within. How is your internal garden?
Published 12/11/23
Where are you emotionally? Are you struggling with issues of the heart? Let’s talk about it
Published 12/04/23
This episode is about letting go of the things that are holding you back. It’s about learning to live in the moment and healing those things that you need to let go of so that you don’t live with regret.
Published 11/27/23
I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but it’s time to set boundaries in your faith walk. Stop living up to other peoples expectations! Stop allowing them to hold your power. You are right for you were supposed to be and your testimony proves the work that God has done in your life.
Published 10/23/23
Sometimes we get caught up in life and we forget the purpose that brings true joy. I have decided it’s time to rebrand! Do you have an area in your life and that you feel needs some re-branding? I know I do!
Published 10/02/23
I wish I would have…. Seems to be a common phrase we use when we live with regret! Stop busying yourself with nonessential tasks! Life is meant to be lived in the small moments and we are missing out on so many!
Published 09/25/23
It’s time to stop saying “I’m waiting on God” because what if God is waiting on you? It’s time to stop confusing fear with faith and start stepping into your testimony with all your humanity!
Published 09/18/23
You belong everywhere you go, no matter where it is or who you are with as long as you never betray your self! Brené Brown
Published 09/11/23
If you have not read the book disruptive thinking by TD Jakes I encourage you to do so! This podcast I feel like it’s all over the place but I hope that you pick something up that you needed to hear today. Maybe you have lost your disruptive mentality along the way, but God has created you as a disruptor it’s time to get your fight back. It’s time to take your power back, your joy back and it’s time for you to step back in to that destiny mentality!
Published 08/07/23
Today I’m coming out of Psalms 51 there are three verses that were so relatable to me in this scripture that I had to share. Sometimes we over commit in areas of our life and under commit and some of the most important areas. We allow pride to sit in and it keeps us from the fullness of what God has for us. Let’s talk about our love language and our heart posture.
Published 07/21/23
Over the last week we have been in the hospital with our daughter. Can I say that during this week God gave me a fresh perspective. Have you been going through life and you find yourself dreading each day or questioning the season that you were in in your life. It’s time to get a new perspective!
Published 07/14/23
Are you in a season where you feel like God is trying to prune those dead things from your life? Have you chosen to hold on to those dead things for so many years that it is now affecting every area of your life? It’s so it’s time to allow the pruning to begin. It’s time to let go of the things that are no longer serving you and step in to the beauty that God has for you.
Published 06/30/23
We have been living our life so long with a sinking mentality. God did not bring us this far to leave us. He’s been pushing you and working on you in order to grow you through this situation that you’re going through. But can I tell you it’s time for you to take the next step!
Published 06/23/23
The enemy would do anything he could to break us under stress. Just because you’re going through a season of suffering doesn’t mean your anointing has gone. It’s a season that God is training you for the destinations where he is trying to take you.
Published 06/09/23
We often like to say this too shall pass. Do you know that phrase is not in the Bible. What is in the Bible is it shall come to pass. There are areas in our life where we are constantly saying this too shall pass, but I believe God is saying these are the areas I’m encouraging you to grow in. It’s time to get back present! It’s time to begin to heal from the wounds that you have been carrying for so many years.
Published 06/02/23
Sometimes in life we allow the chaos, trials and tribulations to cause us to lose vision. When we lose vision something inside of us is dying that God is trying to do. Today I encourage you to write it down and make it plain. There’s victory in your vision. There’s joy, peace and prosperity in your vision. It’s time to get back to where you know God is trying to take you.
Published 05/26/23
I was listening to a message this morning and God really came for me! We often think we have so much time to obey the instructions of God. We tell ourselves I will obey when I’m happy, I have enough money, when I have that job, or when I’m completely healed. Can I tell you that the instructions that we have been given is the legacy that we are going to leave behind. Everyone leaves a legacy rather good or bad. So how do you want to be remembered? Whenever today is holding you back I encourage...
Published 05/19/23
I have one question for you today if God came to you and said your time here on earth is almost over, what would you change? God has been interrupting my spirit with “Get your house in order” I really didn’t understand what that meant until now. God is instructing us to stop living with regrets. Stop putting off what he is instructing you to do. God cannot bless us when we are overcompensating with things that really don’t matter.
Published 05/05/23