Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong, said Gandhi. But what if you're not Gandhi? What if you're just a regular person, badly betrayed by a friend? Robin Bailey is that woman, burned by someone close to her, and she can't let it go. So is it ever ok not to forgive? Does forgiving someone make you a doormat, or excuse the terrible behaviour of the transgressor? And why is there cultural pressure to forgive when sometimes you just don't want to? Plus, have you been living like the Danes?...
Published 07/05/16
Denmark is officially the happiest place in the world. So what exactly are they doing differently over there? We take a look at where the Danes get it right, and how we might just benefit from living a little more Danishly ourselves. Plus, we check in on how your sleep homework is going. And, there's a new challenge for the week that will bring you closer to your community.  Hosted by author and columnist Rebecca Sparrow and 97.3 radio presenter Robin Bailey, it's the show that explores the...
Published 06/21/16
How much sleep do you get?  The Well's Robin Bailey gets four hours a night. It's not enough, and her co-host Bec Sparrow has decided that it's time for an intervention.  Because how much sleep you have, just like what you eat and how much exercise you do, impacts you in ways you might never have imagined. But with everyone living insanely busy lives and connected to our phones until we close our eyes, how do we get more? This is an episode worth staying awake for. Hosted by author and...
Published 06/08/16
Friends are the sunshine of life. But like sunshine, they can either radiate their goodness on you, or burn the crap out of you if you're not careful. With everyone craving quality connections, how do you find new friends? Can you pick them up in a playground or bar? And how should you approach this delicate dance? Do we need to look at the way kids make friends, and follow their lead? We roadtest the theory that friendships only last 7 years before you rotate into new ones. And how do...
Published 05/24/16