How do you start your life over again? We've launched a new show with Madeleine West and we want you to hear it. If you like it, make sure to subscribe to Restart wherever you get your podcasts. From the outside, Madeleine West had it all. A successful acting career, six beautiful kids, a life in Melbourne and a marriage of 15 years. Until a conversation about placemats made her question, 'Is this really what I want?'. It was in this moment that, Madeleine West chose to press 'Restart' on...
Published 01/30/22
Published 01/30/22
We're dropping into your feed to share an awesome episode of our new podcast, What I Eat When, with you: https://omny.fm/shows/what-i-eat-when/playlists/what-i-eat-when  What do you eat when... you're alone? You're homesick? You're celebrating? What you eat when says a lot about you, about your culture, your taste, your family, and what matters to you. Food is so much more than just fuel, it’s an excuse to express who we are and what connects us. What I Eat When is a Mamamia podcast that’s...
Published 12/06/20
Subscribe to Ask Me Anything here: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/ask-me-anything/id1353590914?mt=2 We've got a new show launching on the 8th of March. Ask Me Anything is the short, sharp, car-trip podcast giving heartfelt answers to real-life anonymous questions from teenage girls.  From friendship dramas to first crushes,  author and columnist Rebecca Sparrow is here to listen and offer some advice. You can ask her anything ... 
Published 03/06/18
It seems everyone has a horror story of a relative who ruins family functions and leaves them feeling uncomfortable. But those family ties make it hard to walk away. We don’t get to choose our families – but we CAN choose how we respond. Chocked full of listener experiences and sage advice from Therapist Cynthia Morton on how to deal with the drama, this episode of The Well is for everyone who’s ever cried out ‘I can’t believe I’m related to them!’. Show notes The Well is hosted by author...
Published 08/05/17
Are we losing the art of listening? Is our addiction to our smart phones and social media making us rude? Why is it so hard to RSVP? Be on time? Or just say thank you? Whether you're at home at the dinner table, or out in the big bad world on public transport, we need a masterclass in etiquette for adults. So mind your P's’s and Q’s people - it's time to reclaim the lost art of manners. Show notes The Well is hosted by author and columnist Rebecca Sparrow and Triple M Breakfast Host Robin...
Published 07/29/17
Life is short. Far too short for many. Don’t wait for something to bring you to your knees to remind you that each day is precious. Now is the time to learn the lessons of the dying and make joy in our lives a priority, right here, right now. In this very special episode of The Well we remember dear friends who have passed and the lessons that they have shared with us that will live forever. It might be too exhausting to live everyday as if it’s your last but what if there was a simple trick...
Published 07/22/17
Have you ever felt like you're too old to follow your dream? Well, it's time to put the excuses away and get down to business! This is a very special episode of The Well – featuring three amazing women who didn’t let the big 4-0 (and beyond!) stop them, picked themselves up, took control of their lives and achieved amazing things. Featuring insights from George McEncroe - founder of female ride share company Shebah, Author Kate Hunter and Creator of Fashion Brand White Label Noba Tracey...
Published 07/15/17
In the future, employers won’t even search for resumes – they’ll look at what you post online which will tell them all they need to know about who you are as a person and what you stand for. So who are you online? And who are your kids growing up to be in this digital world? Before you hit send, join us for this episode of The Well – packed with social media tips for parents, tweens and families. We explore how to work out who you want to engage with online, what your values are and how to...
Published 07/08/17
How much of your life do you love? And how much of it actually doesn’t work for you anymore? It’s time to clean house on your life and stop doing things because you “should” – and that includes the things you “should” enjoy. Join us as we discover the Magic Art of Not Giving a “Truck” – how to work out what you want, how to get it without being a jerk and how to let go of the need to be liked. Show notes The Well is hosted by author and columnist Rebecca Sparrow and Triple M Breakfast Host...
Published 07/01/17
Is your Mother the mothering type? Are you? Did you learn your style of mothering on your Mother's knee or are you actively parenting in opposition to how you were raised? If the mother you got was not the mother you needed how do you deal with that? This episode of The Well is all about the complicated relationships that we have with our Mother's – what we’ve learnt from them, what we need to learn from them and what we are mindful to pass down the line to our children.  Robin and Bec are...
Published 06/24/17
What’s your relationship like with your dad? Does it affect who you are today, how confident you feel in yourself, in your relationships to others? Did you become like him or seek him out in other ways? Did you marry him, as they say?  Our relationships with our parents are our first important relationships and can set the tone for how we relate to the world… and it’s not always an easy beginning.  Robin’s Dad passed away when she was just 11 and without a male role model validating her as...
Published 06/17/17
How much super do you have?  Do you know how much money is coming in and going out of your household? Do you own your credit card or does it own you? Money. It’s not a dirty word. But it can be a scary one - which is why this episode of The Well is all about money, money, money. When Robin became a single mother she took on whole new worlds overnight – and one of them was the family finances. She shares her story of how she went from paralyzing overwhelm to working through the anxiety – and...
Published 06/10/17
Bec’s parents have been married for 52 years. 52 years! So how do they make it work? Bec’s dad said it’s not just about love - it’s about commitment. With the divorce rate these days sitting at around 42% do we just not have the staying power that some of our folks did? Or is the idea of lifelong marriage just not as realistic now in this day and age? Bec’s a romantic and likes to think that love can be enduring for a lifetime – if you work at it. Robin thinks love is for a time and that...
Published 06/03/17
Are you overwhelmed by fashion? Does the thought of a shopping centre stylist have you running for the hills? What’s your relationship like with the clothes you already own? Are they a creative expression of your inner self or just something functional? Robin Bailey has 400 pairs of shoes. Bec Sparrow has about 14. Robin Bailey cares deeply about clothes. Bec Sparrow doesn't "get" fashion. So what happens when your most honest friend thinks you need a clothing intervention? Join us as we...
Published 05/27/17
Remember when everyone was glad to put 2016 behind them?  If 2017 hasn't quite been the 'Happy New Year' you were hoping for, welcome. Around here it's disease, death, and divorce....of our jobs. Bec’s family were felled by Dengue Fever, Robin was sacked from her radio gig and producer Ruth was made redundant from the same show. So what do you do when life pulls the rug out from under you? How do you snap yourself out of it and recover from a false start? Can you build resilience as an adult?...
Published 05/20/17
Season Two of The Well drops May 21st. Join Robin Bailey and Rebecca Sparrow as they bring you ways to live a happier, healthier, more manageable life.  Subscribe, and refresh your feed so you don't miss an ep! Brought to you by the Mamamia Podcast Network.
Published 05/13/17
How do you define success? Is it a big pay check and a house with a picket fence? Or is it about loving what you do? If you've found something you're good at AND enjoy, congratulations, you've hit the jackpot. We spend a third of our lives working, but that doesn't mean we can forget about those virtues that aren't found on a resume.  This is a case for living your eulogy values, the things people will say about you at your funeral. Also, according to Elizabeth Gilbert, there are four words...
Published 10/25/16
What's your relationship to food? Would you rather eat cake or be healthy? At the end of an out of control day, do you hide in the pantry snacking? Or is saying no to that giant slice of chocolate cake more of a reward? Food is our life source and we all have to eat, but our relationships with food are far from simple. Bec Sparrow is an emotional eater, prone to grazing on her kids leftovers. Robin Bailey likes to be in control of what she puts in her mouth, and she's never ordered a three...
Published 10/12/16
Bec Sparrow wants to raise her children to be kind and empathetic and realise the value in giving and not just receiving. But in a world where you can have whatever you want, whenever you want - how can you raise your children to be grateful? Is it about giving them more of your time, and less of everything else? Kids aren't born grateful, so how do we teach them? It's a conversation that will have every parent nodding along...  The Well is the show that explores the head, the heart and the...
Published 09/29/16
It’s the topic that no-one really wants to talk about, but almost all of us will experience at some time or another. We still don’t know how to deal with it properly, or what to do when it comes our way.  And for hosts Rebecca Sparrow and Robin Bailey it is the elephant in the room - Grief. Robin and Bec both have the unfortunate distinction of having spent plenty of time with grief. And for this episode, they decided to pool their experiences with loss to help others. You will cry, you...
Published 09/14/16
Life admin can weigh you down. Paperwork and emails and forms and housework can make you feel out of control. So imagine how it would feel if you were on top of it all? If you had a system for all the paperwork and the emails and the clothes on the floor and the dishes in the sink? Can anyone ever reach the mythical "Inbox zero"? Bec Sparrow shares all the tips she's learned for dealing with Life Admin and never-ending emails, while her co-host Robin Bailey buries her head in the sand and...
Published 08/31/16
Are you one of those smug happy people, or do you need a nudge in the right direction? This week it's everything we've learned in the last five weeks. What's the ideal time for an effective nap? Can a fitbit fad last? And forget Denmark, because we just found Australia's happiest place to live. Plus, Bec finds the tools she needs to kick the disease to please, and even Robin has changed the way she exercises. Consider this your happiness checkup. Show notes Find out more about Never...
Published 08/16/16
Do you find it hard to say no to others? Do you try to please everyone else at the expense of what's best for you? And are you constantly doing things out of guilt or obligation? You need some boundaries. This episode we look at the drawbacks of being too nice, how to say no without feeling guilty about it, and how to break all those patterns to ensure you stop putting yourself last.  Hosted by author and columnist Rebecca "No Boundaries" Sparrow and radio presenter Robin ""Former People...
Published 08/02/16
Do you bound out of bed for a run? Or does your self-loathing prevent you? Many of us have a love/hate relationship with exercise, but the health benefits can't be ignored. So what makes good exercise? We look at how the "fitspiration" movement can do more harm than good, why our notions of exercise revolve around body image, and how to ignore all that and make exercise habits that work for you...no matter your size, shape, fitness level or what you look like in activewear.  Hosted by author...
Published 07/19/16