The World and Everything in It is an Apple Podcasts top 100 News program delivering essential headlines, field reporting, interviews, and expert analysis. Find original coverage you can't get elsewhere, such as a weekly overview of every Supreme Court case, biblical cultural analysis, and key international stories. This podcast is a product of listener-supported WORLD Radio, which provides sound journalism grounded in God's Word.
Michael and Millie Shipe grew up in the era of “purity culture.” It was a big thing for about 20 years starting in the 1990s, and it focused on saving sex for marriage. There were conferences and purity rings and slogans, like “True Love Waits.”But a lot of people say they’ve been deeply damaged...
Published 11/16/24
On Culture Friday, John Stonestreet unpacks lessons from the election, Bekah McCallum reviews a theatrical production set in Narnia, and George Grant describes J.R.R. Tolkien’s penchant for languages on Word Play. Plus, the Friday morning newsSupport The World and Everything in It today at...
Published 11/15/24
Congress elects senior leadership, the Archbishop of Canterbury steps down, and a Ukrainian soldier comes to terms with the war. Plus, Cal Thomas on tax reform, breakfast dumplings and traffic jams, and the Thursday morning newsSupport The World and Everything in It today at...
Published 11/14/24