EP 708: Reader’s Question - What are the signs of relapse?
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Ever feel like you're winning the battle against alcohol, then one slip-up throws everything off track? We've all been there - you're feeling great, making progress with your relationship with alcohol, then one night... bam! You have a drink you weren't planning on. Now the shame monster is whispering in your ear, telling you you've blown it all. But what if there's a better way to look at this? In this episode, Annie Grace is going to share a powerful concept that can help you reframe those feelings of guilt and turn a potential setback into a learning experience. We'll also be talking about the sneaky signs of relapse you might miss, and how to bounce back stronger than ever. This episode is all about picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and getting back on track with kindness and self-compassion! Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs,  social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.  
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