The boys banter about the change in weather, going to kid’s fall sporting events, and Scott wearing a cardigan. Then they get down to the subject at hand. They discuss what is known as pneumatology, or the person and work of the Holy Spirit. They begin pointing out how misunderstandings of the Trinity create false …
Published 09/25/23
The old joke goes that many church folks have roast preacher for Sunday dinner, as they go home after the service and criticize the sermon. As the parishioner had recently read a list of ten criticisms a famous preacher had received, he wondered if his less-than-famous preacher friends had received any of them. So he …
Published 09/15/23
After a summer hiatus, the guys are back! After catching up a bit, they turn their attention to the important topic of preparing to come to the Lord’s Table. In the words of institution the Apostle Paul gave the church at Corinth, he told them they were to “examine themselves” so as not to come …
Published 08/29/23
As the three amigos / three musketeers / three stooges (You choose one!) are back together again, they respond to a question from a regular listener. What are Christians who have earthly riches to do? So they have a discussion regarding wealth. They seek to define it and note how wealth is often defined in …
Published 07/18/23
Often discussions about church and state are of the big picture variety. Theological debates about Christ’s rule over the nations. Arguments over the boundaries of ecclesiastical and governmental authority. Opinions about supporting and voting for candidates in federal elections. But what about some practical ways a local church can be involved in its local government? …
Published 07/10/23
Crown & Covenant Publications continues to issue accessible books on basic Christian doctrine through their Grassmarket Press imprint. Their most recent release, Worship, Feasting, Rest, Mercy: The Christian Sabbath, is an insightful and helpful introduction to the New Testament practice of keeping the Lord’s Day holy in honor of Christ’s resurrection on the first day …
Published 06/27/23
The guys open up this episode reflecting on the recent passing of some prominent pastors, such as Gordon Keddie, Tim Keller, and Harry Reeder. These ministers were not only pastors but theologians and authors whose ministries impacted many. With Scott away, the pastor and professor use these notable deaths to discuss On the Character of …
Published 06/06/23
Pink-Floyd protested, with deliberate grammatical incongruity, against bad school systems. As they said, we don’t need just another brick in the wall. But what should the education of our children look like? One listener asked, and the 3GT Team responded! They begin this episode by discussing the purpose of education. Reasons related to anthropology, God’s …
Published 05/18/23
Thankfully, all three guys are back behind their mics for this episode! After catching up with one another, they jump right into the topic of the day. The transgender movement. What are Christians to do? They share statistics that show among this current generation an alarming rate of increase in young people who identify as …
Published 05/10/23
Finally, the guys are back in the recording studio! Well, at least two of them are. After their usual banter, they get down to the task at hand as they discuss the necessity of church membership. Where does the Bible warrant membership in the local church? The guys point out numerous scriptures that indicate this …
Published 05/03/23
While the parishioner is away on vacation, the guys were still able to keep the 3 in 3GT! For they welcome pastor and author, Dr. Nathan Eshelman, as they review his new book I Have a Confession. After hearing of Nathan’s journey into Presbyterianism, the guys discuss the place of a confession of faith in …
Published 04/05/23
With all the guys in the studio again, they are putting the 3 back into 3GT! With the increasing hostility in the culture against Christ and the church, they discuss the subject of enemies and how to deal with them on this episode. The guys first look at some basic texts on treating rightly our …
Published 03/14/23
Well, the boys are back together again! With all three of them on their mics, they jest about the worst episode ever, their Argentinian listeners (or lack thereof), and Barry’s ability (?) to sing 70’s pop songs. But eventually they get down to business. For in this episode they discuss how Presbyterianism helps in the …
Published 03/03/23
Well, the last time it was only Kyle and Scott recording, one listener said on social media that it was the “worst episode ever.”  So, with these two again back at their mics, they decide to treat a topic guaranteed to get better ratings. Church budgets! As congregations hold their annual meetings this time of year, …
Published 02/17/23
With Kyle away on an United Nations–like trip, it’s up to Barry and Scott to hold down the home fort. So after hearing about Scott’s journey in becoming a lawyer and why he enjoys practicing law, the guys turn to a discussion of Christian misunderstandings of the Law of God. They do so by looking …
Published 01/31/23
In this episode of Three Guys Theologizing, they decide to mix the unmixable. For they have a lively discussion about religion and politics. More specifically, about how politics should be treated from the pulpit. After repeating Timothy’s charge to Timothy not to engage in endless controversies and speculations, the pastor tosses out a number of …
Published 01/26/23
On this episode of 3GT,the parishioner and the prof conduct a book review. They are joined by none other then Kyle Borg, author of a new book entitled What is Love? That’s right – they are interviewing 3GT‘s own resident loveologist! They begin by having Kyle explain, as president of the Education and Publication Board …
Published 01/18/23
All three guys are together again so this episode starts off a bit rambunctious. The parishioner (or is it placeholder?) is teased for wearing a cardigan while exercising. The pastor is dubbed the “loveologist.” But then they settle down and get to business. For they address the subject of passing the Christian faith down to …
Published 01/12/23
Though the prof was kept away from recording by a snowstorm, this episode brings rejoicing for the wandering parishioner has returned! Yes, Kyle is joined by Scott in this episode. Together at last, they bring in a “ghost guest” in the form of Carl Trueman as they take a quote of his about the Roman …
Published 01/04/23
Barry and Kyle are still searching for Scott, who is wandering somewhere out there in the political landscape. If they cannot find him, they may have to start having tryouts for a new parishioner. But in the meantime, they still put the 3 in 3GT as they are joined by RPTS Professor of Old Testament …
Published 12/20/22
Scott is absent once again. 3GT slipped a spot in its Argentina ratings since the last episode. But all is not lost, for the guys are joined by Dr. Matthew Everhard as he discusses his new book Souls: How Jesus Saves Sinners. Matthew explains his desire in writing this book was to deepen gospel understanding. …
Published 12/07/22
Scott is away, undoubtedly hot on the trail of criminals as the newly elected prosecutor. But Kyle is firmly back in his seat as a tripod-caster (or is that tri-podcaster?). And Barry is eager to record, having recently discovered that 3GT is on the Top 100 list of a South American country. So with a …
Published 11/15/22
Yes, you can read that title more than one way! But the way it is meant is that pastors have a variety of gifts and abilities they bring to the ministry. That was the intended theme of this episode of 3GT. But wow, how things go off the rails right from the start! Granddad jokes. …
Published 11/08/22
As this very episode demonstrates with Scott away, it can be difficult to get parishioners to gather in small groups during the week. So armed with a question from a listener, Kyle and Barry discuss what the other six days beyond the Lord’s Day should look like for a congregation. Each of them share the …
Published 11/01/22
On this episode of Three Guys Theologizing, blogger and author Tim Challies joins the guys to discuss his newest book. Yet this is no ordinary book review. For in his book Seasons of Sorrow, Tim chronicles and shares reflections after the sudden death of his son, Nick. A beautifully written book, Seasons of Sorrow follows …
Published 10/19/22