After a late summer hiatus, the gents return to their favorite extracurricular activity to record new episodes of Three Guys Theologizing. Yet alas, the parishioner is still not available. However, undeterred, the pastor and professor decide to give listeners an update on the latest in their lives and ministry. With Kyle manning the mic, he …
Published 10/05/24
As the summer ends, the guys welcome a guest to this episode of Three Guys Theologizing. Pastor William “Bill” Boekestein of the Immanuel Fellowship Church (URC) in Kalamazoo, Michigan, joins them to discuss his latest book Finding My Vocation: A Guide for Young People Seeking a Calling. The interview begins by Bill defining Biblically the …
Published 09/09/24
Published 09/09/24
Scott’s back in the hosting seat after cruising with his beloved for their 25th, which he thoroughly enjoyed and so apologizes to Kyle for making fun of his cruise history. This leads the guys to discus the possibility of a 3GT cruise like other high profile ministries. Yet knowing the 3GT budget, they quickly get …
Published 07/29/24
The parishioner is off on the high seas, enjoying a silver anniversary cruise with his beloved. So the professor takes the opportunity to interview the pastor about his new book on Presbyterianism, Household of Faith. Kyle, as one of the managing editors of Grassmarket Press, a series of books introducing theological and Christian living topics …
Published 07/16/24
In this episode of Three Guys Theologizing, the gentlemen welcome back Pastor Nathan Eshelman as their guest. Nathan has authored another book in the Grassmarket Press series, entitled Worthy. They interview him about his book on worship. As Nathan reminds us, the word “worship” is based on the word “worthy.” The Triune God is worthy …
Published 06/28/24
The boys start off talking about the pleasantry of mowing their lawns, which has nothing to do with this episode but is a continuation from the last one! Kyle gets the guys on track by sharing an anecdote that takes them to the subject at hand – church conflict.  As Samuel Rutherford once said, there …
Published 06/05/24
As the three guys return to the studio, the prof has just mowed his lawn. He explains to the pastor and parishioner some trouble he had with his new riding lawn mower, which involved the tortoise and the hare on the throttle. From there, they move to the topic at hand – encountering the Christian …
Published 05/22/24
The boys are back! Yes, indeed, all three guys show up for this episode. After some banter that involves Scott and Kyle referencing old movies once again and making fun of Barry’s birdwatching, they get down to the business at hand. For they return again to the subject of ordination. Treated in an episode long, …
Published 05/03/24
With this episode recorded near the time of the solar eclipse, the parishioner and the professor share their experiences while the pastor gallivants around Kansas for his kids’ track meets. Though clearly the eclipse did not result in the end of the world, as some predicted, surely it testified to the Lord’s glory in natural …
Published 04/22/24
The following episode is sponsored by Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. With the prosecuting parishioner away on trial, the pastor and professor handle this latest episode of 3GT. Given the significance of an event in the life of the seminary, Pastor Borg interviews President York regarding it. In November 1923, the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian …
Published 04/12/24
Of all the episodes that the prosecuting attorney would miss, it should not have been this one! Yet so it was, as the parishioner was on spring break when the pastor and professor were finally able to record again. For the topic they chose to discuss was that of God and His justice. In the …
Published 04/02/24
On this episode, the guys take up a topic submitted by a listener. However, before they do, the listener asks Kyle a question regarding BeReal. He acts as if this French app is better than Snapchat, Instagram, or Facebook, but his explanation will leave you dubious. They then get down to the true question at …
Published 02/29/24
After conferring upon Barry another title and hearing what a good time he and Scott had together over the weekend, Kyle brings up another topic that shows the 3GTers are about all things Presbyterian. For they discuss the process of a man becoming a pastor through the presbytery.  They explain what it means for a …
Published 02/20/24
For a funny reason, the guys get introduced as characters from Back to the Future such as Biff and Marty McFly, which is about the only theme that ties this episode together. For the guys take a break from their normal singular focus and discuss a variety of seemingly unrelated topics on this installation of …
Published 02/13/24
After establishing Kyle‘s proper location and noting that Scott is wearing a pink sweater, the guys get down to the task at hand. What does it mean for elders to shepherd the flock of God? As Elder Hunt is about to head into a session meeting, the 3GTers start there. What is the session and …
Published 02/08/24
In this episode, Kyle, Barry, and the other guy bring a special guest to help them with a controversial topic. Pastor Colin Samul joins the pastor, o the professor, and the other guy discuss his review of the book The Case for Christian Nationalism by Stephen Wolfe.  They begin the episode by having Colin define …
Published 01/26/24
As the boys open up another episode of 3GT, they go about their common bantering to begin. But then they settle in to discussing the topic at hand, which is “What is the difference between elements and circumstances of worship? And why is it important?” They begin by defining what are the necessary elements, or …
Published 01/15/24
Though down a professor, the parishioner and pastor bring on another one far more renowned. For Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, author of Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, comes onto 3GT to discuss her new book. Well, at least she does once someone else’s book gets out of the way! After introducing herself and reminding listeners …
Published 12/26/23
After a lengthy, way-too-long introduction that involves the likes of Michael Bolton, Scott finally reigns it in and gets to the subject at hand. A listener wants to know how to treat the subject of masculinity in today’s culture. The guys begin by addressing the strong-handed approach to the subject from men as diverse as …
Published 12/19/23
It’s not often that the 3GTers have repeat guests on the show. But some people have such a story one episode hardly does it justice. Such is the case regarding the story of Naghmeh Panahi. A few years ago, Naghmeh was on 3GT to share her incredible story that can be heard here. She recounted …
Published 11/20/23
Many listeners know that on February 27, 2022, Barry’s son-in-law, Tommy Mangan, was shot through the throat in the line of duty as a police officer in Indianapolis. (To learn and hear more about this story, see Abiding in the Almighty’s Shadow, Continuing to Abide in the Almighty’s Shadow, Shattered, and Tommy’s CaringBridge site.) On …
Published 11/13/23
Well, it finally happened. Only one guy showed up to record an episode. Of the three, which one is most likely to be able to monologue for an entire episode? Yep, you guessed it. On this episode of Three Guys Theologizing, or should we say One Guy Monologuing, Kyle takes the microphone and never relinquishes …
Published 11/07/23
Want a podcast introduction that basically contradicts the theme of the episode? Leave it to the 3GTers! After the guys joke around like teenagers for a while, they get down to the task at hand which is discussing the need for maturity in the Christian life. The guys establish the truth from Scriptures that the …
Published 10/24/23
Pennsylvania civil magistrates may not be the best place to look for clothing decisions, with some men dressing as women and others, well, hardly dressing at all. But Kyle, knowing these are Barry’s legislators, wants to go there. After discussing the latest kerfuffle on Capital Hill caused by a Pennsylvania senator, the guys discuss dressing …
Published 10/17/23