This podcast, hosted by Katy Shields, is about the true story behind the groundbreaking 1972 study “The Limits to Growth”, and why the world ignored its message. Based on the late author's unpublished memoirs and featuring rare original audio recordings, this podcast accompanies Dana and Dennis Meadows and their team of scientists on their mission to tell the world about coming ecological crises and their solutions. Learn more at
We follow the later careers of the Meadows and their enduring impact on environmental studies, reflect on their pioneering findings from the 1970s in light of today's escalating environmental crises, and trace the resurgence of interest in their work.
Published 05/27/23
In the second episode, we trace the meteoric rise of "The Limits to Growth" to a global sensation. We uncover how it was not intended as a book nor for a world audience – and reveal the bitter PR warfare waged against it by industry, scientific and other elites.
Published 05/19/23