“Kristen and I have been “breast friends” since 2020? Maybe 2019? I’m not sure.. but it was when she was just starting out. We’ve talked, we’ve laughed, we’ve disagreed over the baby buddha pump (soul being sucked through my n!pples ring a bell Kristen? hahaha). She was able to transform the “awful” stigma of “I can’t breastfeed so I pump” to such a positive experience that when I couldn’t breastfeed my little guy due to a myriad of issues in June 2020.. so I pumped exclusively and I LOVED it. I have DMER and for some reason pumping didn’t trigger that. Her positive attitude, her positive spin of choosing the pump life, and her humor have changed mindsets. While my boobs may be currently retired , I hang around because she truly has become a friend. So here I am.. supporting my friend. Its allgirlmom supporting you all the way! Thanks for being a breast friend Kristen. Loving your stories so far ;)”
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