Sugamo 巣鴨,在奶奶们的原宿感受温和
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�あけましておめでとう� (O.M) Kaho Nakamura - GUM  (BGM) Lucky Kilimanjora - Burning Friday Night Selected by harvest radio.  巢鸭的地藏通位于旧中山道,江户时代,作为中山道的第一个休息站而繁盛。现在,这里有一个更时髦的称呼 - 奶奶们的原宿。商店街入口处的 Sugamon 屁股,据说摸一下可以获得爱情;高岩寺的拔刺地藏可以替你除去病痛;红色内衣还能为你招来好运,因为日本人相信人在 60 岁时会迎来第二人生。这是充满温和怀旧气氛的街区,新年假日,去这里感受奶奶们的热情。 Sugamo’s Jizou-dori Street is located on the former Nakasendo highway. During the Edo period, it flourished as the first rest area on Nakasendo. Now, there is a more fashionable name, "Harajuku for Old Ladies." Sugamon's butt at the entrance of the shopping street. It is said that you can get love by touching its buttocks; the Togenuki Jizouson of Koganji Temple can help you get rid of your illness; red underwear can also bring you good luck because the Japanese believe People will have a second life when they are 60 years old. This is a district full of mild nostalgia. During the New Year holidays, go here to feel the enthusiasm of Old Ladies. 关注我们的微博 @Tokyo_Stations 与我们互动,分享你收听节目的想法、见解与感想。 主播:黄大姐,秦老板,方枪枪,小狐狸 设计:哦小普 编辑:哦小普 剪辑:哦小普,秦老板 监制:哦小普 Produced by (kbys) studio
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Published 03/04/21