1872年就通车的品川车站,是日本最具代表的交通枢纽之一。去过东京的游客,是不是都曾路过这个车站呢?交通便利的品川车站,自然是很多公司总部聚集地。而除此之外,在日本,说到品川还会让人联想到它不可胜举的医美医院。这一期我们请到了曾任职医美翻译的嘉宾,为我们来讲述一下日本医美的现状以及游客在海外进行医美项目时的注意事项。变美,不仅仅是女人的专利哦。还有男性医美项目也是让主播们大呼精彩。带上你的纸和笔,一起和我们云游品川,了解日本医美吧。 Shinagawa Station, which is opened in 1872, is one of the most representative transportation hubs in Japan. I guess almost all of the tourists have passed by this Station while come to Tokyo. With this convenient location Shinagawa station naturally attracted many companies to...
Published 03/04/21
Published 03/04/21
农历新年还在尾声,和以往不同的是,无论你身在世界的哪一个角落,回家仍然是一件比较困难的事。即使身在日本,我们中的大多数人仍然会遵照传统,在家中贴上福字,准备一顿年夜饭。这种仪式感让人们的心产生联结。在东京不远处的横滨中华街,也在上演热闹众彩的新年仪式。 横滨的精彩不止中华街,海滨之城让它开放、悠闲、步调缓慢。就连皮卡丘们每年都要来开 Party。 The Lunar New Year is not over yet. What is different from the past is that going home is still more difficult no matter where you are in the world. Even if we are in Japan, most of us still follow the tradition, sticking up New Year pictures at home and preparing a New Year's Eve dinner. This sense of ritual connects...
Published 02/25/21
农历新年快乐 伴随农历新年的到来,我们的节目也来到了第二季的收尾。早前的提问箱收到了很多朋友的留言,这一次,我们依旧会在站长室特辑中进行回答。在这漫长的一年中,不论你经历了什么,我们都祝愿你:新年快乐,万事安康。我们新的一年再见。 With the Lunar New Year's arrival, our show has also reached the end of the second season. In the question box, we received many messages from friends. This time, we will still answer in the extra edition show of the "Stationmaster's Office." No matter what you have experienced in this long year, we all wish you: Happy New Year and everything goes well. See you in the...
Published 02/09/21
两国紧邻隅田川,汇集了许多传统工艺品作坊和相扑力士的训练班。 没错,这里是日本国技“相扑”的重要场所。两国国技馆每年会举行 3 次大相扑比赛,因此有许多相扑训练场,也成为力士生活的街区。传统运动、匠人工艺,使得这里充满江户时代精神。 Ryogoku is close to the Sumida River, where there are many workshops for making traditional crafts and training grounds for sumo wrestlers. Yes, this is an important place for Japan's National sport "Sumo." The Ryogoku Kokugikan holds three sumo matches every year, so there are many sumo training grounds and it has become a neighborhood where wrestlers live. Traditional...
Published 02/02/21
作为港区的一个町地,赤坂是优雅之地的代名词。过去,它紧邻江户城,拥有赤坂离宫、高级公寓和神社。现今,众多米其林星级餐厅、奢华酒店和公司本社汇聚于此,富人和精英阶层常留驻于此。坐落在赤坂辽阔境地的神社是热门的传统婚礼举办地,在新年期间,也常有附近各大经纪公司和唱片公司的艺人前来祈祷事业顺利。 As a town in Minato City, Akasaka is synonymous with an elegant place. In the past, it was close to Edo Castle and contained the Akasaka Palace, high-end apartments and shrines. Now, many Michelin-starred restaurants, luxury hotels and corporate headquarters are gathered here, and the rich and elites often stay here. There are several shrines in...
Published 01/22/21
1901 年,制造销售惠比寿啤酒的日本麦酒酿造会社(现 SAPPORO 啤酒)开通了专门运送啤酒的货物车站,这里因此得名“惠比寿”。因为距离涩谷和代官山很近,惠比寿自然成为了高雅成年人聚集的街区。旧时的札幌啤酒惠比寿工场被改造为啤酒纪念馆,并带动了周围的商业、餐饮和文化,成为那些对于日常生活有所追求的人热爱的文化之地。华灯初上,忙碌完的善男信女们聚集于此,开始他们的都市夜生活。 In 1901, the Japan Beer Brewing Company, responsible for the manufacture and sale of Yebisu beer, opened a cargo station dedicated to transporting beer, and this area was named "Ebisu." Due to its proximity to Shibuya and Daikan-yama, Ebisu has naturally become a neighborhood where elegant adults gather....
Published 01/14/21
�あけましておめでとう� (O.M) Kaho Nakamura - GUM  (BGM) Lucky Kilimanjora - Burning Friday Night Selected by harvest radio.  巢鸭的地藏通位于旧中山道,江户时代,作为中山道的第一个休息站而繁盛。现在,这里有一个更时髦的称呼 - 奶奶们的原宿。商店街入口处的 Sugamon 屁股,据说摸一下可以获得爱情;高岩寺的拔刺地藏可以替你除去病痛;红色内衣还能为你招来好运,因为日本人相信人在 60 岁时会迎来第二人生。这是充满温和怀旧气氛的街区,新年假日,去这里感受奶奶们的热情。 Sugamo’s Jizou-dori Street is located on the former Nakasendo highway. During the Edo period, it flourished as the first rest area on Nakasendo. Now, there is a more fashionable name, "Harajuku for Old...
Published 01/07/21
�MERRY CHRISTMAS MUSIC: Fishmans - Go Go Round This World! 由 harvest radio 推荐并联合播出。 在昭和时期曾是一片杂木林的代官山,自关东大地震后兴建起公寓,进而形成现在的高级住宅区,并成为高级时装店、咖啡店与甜品店聚集的时尚街区。现代主义建筑和精致的商业氛围,让这里的圣诞气息更显浓厚。 In the Showa period, Daikan-yama was just an area overgrown with weeds. After the Great Kantō Earthquake, apartments were built to form the current high-end residential area, and it became a fashionable area with high-end fashion shops, coffee shops, and dessert shops. Modernist architecture and exquisite...
Published 12/24/20