Jewish history is over 3,000 years old and therefore often confusing. For much of our history, Jewish scholars divided our history into broad historical periods. Understanding these historical periods is the key to understanding Jewish history. Listen to fascinating overview of the primary periods of Jewish History --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 12/17/23
The Big Chanukah Riddle, best known as "The Question of the Bet Yosef" is probably the most famous and most discussed question in all of Jewish literature. It has been discussed by countless scholars since it was first raised for the wider public by Rav Yosef Kairo in the 16th Century. More than 1,000 known answers have been given for this riddle. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 12/10/23
Honoring and respecting parents is one of the most important commandments in the Torah. It is included as one of the Ten Commandments. Why is honoring parents so important in Judaism? How do we honor our parents? What is the difference between honor and respect? Do we need to honor parents who have harmed us? A fascinating discussion about the Mitzvot of honoring and respecting parents. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 12/04/23
Kosher butchers don't usually sell the animal hindquarters but are they kosher? It's complicated. Here's why --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 11/26/23
Rabbi Moshe Schreiber, better known by the name of his book, Chasm Sofer, was a Hungarian Rabbi in the late 18th and early 19th century whose brilliance and leadership helped shape religious Judaism in modern times. Confronted with the early attempts at religious reformation, modernity and secularism in central Europe, Rabbi Moshe Schreiber, became the leading Jewish religious figure of his day navigating the complexities of preserving Judaism in the face of its many challenges. ---...
Published 11/20/23
With so many things today demanding our attention and so many things to do, how can we stay on top of our time without getting overwhelmed or frustrated? Jews have always been high achievers. We have an old Jewish technique to allow us to maximize our time without stressing.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 11/05/23
he Torah tells us about ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that stood where what is now the Dead Sea. The people of these cities were evil so G-d destroyed the cities in the days of Abraham almost 4,000 years ago.  A fascinating discussion about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, their destruction and the implications for us today. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 10/29/23
As a young man our ancestors Abraham discovered G-d through his own philosophical investigation. This week we will follow Abraham's analisis to answer the most fundamental questions of Judaism; how do we know there is a G-d and that he created us? We will also take a look at the big question of who created G-d. A fascinating discussion addressing the big questions about G-d and creation. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 10/22/23
Adam & Eve, the first humans initially had two children Cain and Abel. When Cain was jealous of his brother, he killed him. This first story of sibling rivalry, of jealousy, of murder and of repentance is one of the first and most dramatic stories in the Torah with countless important lessons for our lives. Listen to the fascinating story of Cain and Abel.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 10/15/23
One of the central roles of the High Holidays Service is the Chazzan, the cantor who leads the prayers singing melodies and tunes to the words of the prayers. Chazzanim (cantors) have been part of Jewish liturgy from the earliest times and many of the tunes have been used for hundreds of years or longer. A fascinating discussion about Chazanim and Chazzanut - Cantors and the history of Cantorial music. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 09/24/23
It is a fundamental Jewish belief that G-d created us. But why? Why did he create the universe? What did he expect to get out of creating us? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 09/10/23
One of the central parts of Jewish services in the synagogue is when the Torah scroll is taken out of the ark, placed on the Bima. Various men are called up to say blessings and then the Torah is read. Learn all about the Torah reading in the synagogue.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 09/03/23
People often think of G-d in the Torah as being angry, vengeful and punishing. The Torah tells us of the plagues brought against the Egyptians and others who disobeyed him. The Torah warns a number of times of punishments that we will get for not listening to G-d's instructions.  Is G-d vengeful and angry? How does that fit with the description of a loving and caring G-d? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 08/27/23
What happens when a spouse disappears and cannot be traced. Could they have died without anyone knowing? Could they be alive but have taken on a new identity? What should the remaining spouse do? Are they still married? Are they widowed? The question of a missing spouse, called Agunah, has been one of the most troubling scenarios that Jewish scholars grappled with throughout Jewish history, becoming the most extensive and complex field of Jewish law.  A fascinating discussion about the...
Published 08/20/23
One of the more intriguing mitzvahs in the Torah is the ceremony of the eglah arufah (decapitated calf), performed in ancient Israel when a murdered stranger was found out in the field and the killer was unknown. A fascinating discussion about the Eglah Arufa ceremony, why and how it was performed and how it impacts us today! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 08/13/23
The Torah says that for fish to be Kosher they have to have fins and scales but what exactly are the scales that make a fish Kosher? Do fish that drop their scales or have a handful of scales count as kosher? What about fillet where the skin has been removed? How can we know if the fillet is kosher?  A fascinating discussion about what makes fish kosher and how we can identify kosher fish. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 08/06/23
Ever wonder if we really exist or perhaps we are just figments of someone else's imagination? Chassidus (Jewish mysticism) teaches that indeed we are simply figments of G-d's imagination. Discover how we know we are figments of G-d's imagination and what that means for us.   --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 07/30/23
One of the central parts of Judaism is the Holy Temple in Jerusalem where our ancestors brought sacrifices and served G-d fulfilling many of the commandments. Our second Temple was destroyed almost 2,000 years ago. Since the destruction of the Second Temple, we have prayed, hoped and waited for the building of a Third Temple. We firmly believe the Third Temple will be built in the same spot in Jerusalem in the future and we will once again serve G-d there. A fascinating discussion about the...
Published 07/23/23
One of the most important prophets of the Jewish people was Yeshayahu ben Amotz - Isaiah who served as the spiritual leader of our people during the Assyrian invasions of Israel and some of the most traumatic times our people experienced. His prophecies were immortalized in the book that bears his name. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 07/16/23
Should there be limits on people's ability to purchase and safely use weapons? Should we have the freedom to arm ourselves as we feel necessary to protect our family and property? A fascinating discussion about the Jewish view on the gun control / gun rights debate. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 07/09/23
At a young age we discover that life just isn't fair. If we believe that our universe and our lives are controlled by G-d then why does G-d make life so unfair? Some people do really well, some struggle. Often our challenges are due to circumstances beyond our control. Can't G-d level the playing field? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 07/02/23
In 1946-1947, a group of a few thousand Chassidic Jews escaped from the Soviet Union to the West in one of the most daring escapes of the 20th century. This is an attempt to retell this story that has never been fully told before, with only bits and pieces shared in various historical personal accounts.   --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 06/25/23
Tzaddikim means righteous people. What exactly are Tzaddikim? How does one become a Tzaddik? What is the role of a Tzaddik? Is it possible for people to rise above the ordinary and achieve a unique relationship with G-d? A fascinating discussion about the Jewish belief in Tzaddikim.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 06/18/23
Yiddish was the spoken language of most European Jews (Ashkenazim) and their descendants for almost 1,000 years. Why did European Jews start speaking Yiddish? How did the Yiddish language evolve? Where is Yiddish still spoken today? A discussion about the origins and evolution of Yiddish. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 06/11/23
The daily manna was among the most mysterious events that our ancestors experienced while travelling through the desert after having left Egypt. This strange food fell daily and became their primary source of food throughout their 40 years in the desert. What exactly was the Manna? How was it prepared and eaten? What did it taste like? Why did G-d choose to send Manna? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/zalman-gordon/support
Published 06/04/23