027 - dr. Carina Ren - Multi-faceted (Arctic) tourism realities
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In the third #AIRTHspecial episode Miha and Rudi talked to dr. Carina Ren, an associate professor at Aalborg University Copenhagen and an active AIRTH member.  Carina gave us insights into the sphere of tourism development in the Arctic and how several realities affect it. On the one hand there is a more niche and alternative tourism, on the other hand there are purely economic (mass tourism) needs. The question we are trying to answer in this episode is how to find a balance between the different tourism-related needs that different parts of human society have. Links:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/carinaren/https://vbn.aau.dk/en/persons/124694 http://www.airth.global/Music by TimMoor from Pixabay.
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