“Our mighty profession owes a huge thanks to Lick Nincoln and the 3 other horsemen of the apocalypse for sharing their wisdom, experience and honest views on all things financial planning. As a young adviser who knew there was a better way than flogging products for fees, i’ve been trying to get the firm I work for to change to proper financial planning for years. With some success, but not enough, you 4 amazing people have helped me finally get through to the decision makers since starting this podcast and i’ve never been so excited to be working as a real adviser! Not only have you changed the outlook that my firm has on why we do what we do, you have helped changed client outcomes for the better and i’m sure you’ve had similar impacts on other firms too. All 4 of you are a true inspiration and a genuine gift to our profession, thank you! (PS - after meeting Andy at HUM and knowing that he is just as nice in person as he is to listen to, I hope the rest of you are as great to be around!)”
JackSaunders. via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·