Hello everyone and welcome back! I have been gone for 2 weeks and I’m back with season 3 of Trish the Dish! Today’s episode, episode 1 of szn3 talks about safe injection house going up in the Philly area, this needs to be stopped, they haven’t had meetings with communities or reps for the community to even put them in our communities! This is an outrage, and ppl need to protest this! I hope everyone listen and stand up for what’s right! As always thank you for listening and until next week...
Published 02/27/20
Published 02/27/20
In episode 10 szn2, it’s income tax SZN!!! Basically adult Christmas and just like every other working adult, I’m happy to see when my W2’s are coming and have arrived. And my opinion on income tax szn, as always I hope everyone enjoys this episode, and thank you for listening, love you guys🤗😘 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 02/07/20
This episode talks about the events that took place this past Sunday, that would forever change the world! How a true Gem and his beloved daughter, along with 7 others lost their lives this weekend and how it would change an entire generation! They say Legends never Die, they live forever! This episode is dedicated to all who lost their lives that fatal day, and my our prays be with his loving wife, daughters and families of those lost! RIP Kobe and Gianna you both will truly be missed. ---...
Published 01/30/20
In this episode I talk about, what I actually do for a living to pay my bills and live lol! It’s some funny stories, and life moments, and how people misconstrue that health care workers live the lives of an actual Greys Anatomy cast member lol! When in reality we are zombies and undersexed lol! As always I hope everyone enjoys this episode, and thank you for listening. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 01/23/20
In epi7 of szn2, I talk about the Power of the Pussy, and how it hold so much power and strength, how it plays a major role in our moods and emotions, how it make more decisions and creates moods that we don’t even realize! The Power Of the Pussy is a real thing and woman need to pay more attention to her, to see the changes and moods she creates, as always I hope everyone enjoys this episode, and thank you for listening --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make...
Published 01/16/20
Trish the Dish episode 6, szn2! This episode Let’s Talk about Sex, talks about Sex!!! When to have it and how you like it! Things in a relationship or situationship that please you and your partner sexually! As always I hope you guys enjoy this episode, and Thank you for listening! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 01/09/20
Welcome back to Trish the Dish! Today is Thursday, January 2nd, 2020! Bringing in the New Year with a new episode called My Friends are Goals and how I met my BFFs and my Framily. As always I hope u guys enjoy and thank you for listening. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 01/02/20
With the year 2020 right around the corner, this episode takes you on a trip through my 2019. Traveling, living, death, Family and friends, and love life! And with 2020 approaching hoping for more blessings, and positive vibes to come. As always I hope everyone enjoys this episode, luv you guys and thank you for listening --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 12/26/19
This episode talks about how my 9year relationship came to an end, and how ending this relationship lead to me becoming a much better me, how everything in that happened in that relationship made me the Woman I’ am today. Through all the good times and bad, ups and downs I’m still here stronger then ever! Hope you guys like this episode, and thank you all for listening🤗😘 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 12/19/19
This episode talks about how I’ve gained weight through the years, from being extra stick thin skinny in my younger years, to now being an nice thick’ems, and learning to embrace and love my curves. I hope everyone like this episode, and thank you for listening🤗 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 12/12/19
Welcome to SZN2 of Trish the Dish episode 1, this episode talks about how no one tells you how adulting really is, and how it sux majorly with paying bills, waking up early or whenever to go to work, to live in a place some can barely afford, and how we wish we could be kids again and just living and loving life, as always I hope you guys enjoy and if you would like to leave a comment please do and rate me on any other PodCast platform. Thanx guys --- This episode is sponsored by ·...
Published 12/05/19
This episode talks about me being single and trying to date in the City, about how hard it is in today’s modern world, using dating apps, social media, and the old fashion going out to and meeting some one to fall in love with. In a city where the dating pool is slim to none, and was also ranked one of the worst dating cities in the USA, and how women out number men, how I’ve dealt with and I’m still dealing with find love while being Single in the City. --- This episode is sponsored by...
Published 11/21/19
This episode talks about Men with small appendages, that think it’s longer. And how they should be whispering, however they always LOUDLY talking. Drop a comment wherever you listen and as always I hope you guys enjoy this episode --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 11/14/19
This episode talks about how lack of communication, in my past relationships, caused cheating and a lot of S**t! And how I had to learn to grow up and stop being so scared to communicate with whomever I wanted to be with or else the relationship would suffer. As always I hope everyone enjoys this episode, leave comments, suggestions or topics on anything, thank you guys for listening 🤗😘 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 11/07/19
This episode talks about how people Beg to Borrow and then Steal! How they know when they are asking to Borrow money or anything from you, be it Money, clothes, shoes, bread or Brown sugar, they have no intention of paying or giving it back. As always I hope everyone enjoys this episode. 🤗😘 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 10/31/19
This episode talks about Sex, the Supposed “sex” and the Exposed “sex” a look at how sex evolved for me through the years! The good, the bad and the ugly lol! And how with age you learn what “Sex” really is! As always I hope you guys enjoy this episode, love you guys and thanx for listening 🤗😘 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 10/24/19
With Pregnancy loss awareness, being this month I decided to talk about the lost of my child, that I experienced in 2016 and how it had such an impact on my life. And to let women out there know that they are not alone, and it is ok to talk about their lost and stop holding it in. I hope this episode touch’s women out there going through the same thing and give them a voice! I hope everyone enjoys and to those trying to conceive wishing them Lots of Baby dust this year for their Baby or...
Published 10/17/19
This episode is about the CrossWalks throughout the city, that just can’t get right!!! Temple campus, Downtown area’s and places all around that experience this. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 10/10/19
Talking about the Growth that happened in my Life, that changed my life for the better, although I lost some friendships and relationship, this Growth made me the woman I am today! More positive vibes, finding myself, and loving and falling in love with me more. I hope everyone enjoys this episode, it means so much to me and as always thank you for listening. Peace and Love --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app
Published 10/03/19
Talking about a trip through the year’s and how we age, how are mind and bodies grow and age, and the funny stories no one wants to share, hope you guys enjoy.
Published 09/27/19