Working with twins? Is it really possible? Not everyone can afford full-time childcare, so what other options do you have if the traditional model of full-time work isn't an option? Where should you look for jobs that are a little more flexible? How can you adjust your resume if you've been out of work for a while? And what about the possibility of starting your own business? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 11/21/23
Just because you're pregnant with twins doesn't mean you're bound for bedrest. But, if your medical care provider determines that's what is best for you and your babies- you'll want to be prepared. What are the different levels of restrictions for bedrest? What's the difference between resting at a hospital and resting at home? Plus, the big question... what do you do with all your free time? Our panel of twins moms share their firsthand experience!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 11/14/23
Have you ever wondered what it's like to parent more than one set of twins? It's rare that twin parents become twin parents again, but it certainly happens. Today we're chatting with three mamas who have given birth to at least two sets of twins. How did their birth experiences differ from one another? How did their lives change when they realized they were having another set? And how in the world are they able to survive those first few years? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 11/07/23
As soon as we learned that we were pregnant with twins, we received a long list of to-dos and don’ts. We were told that our diet needed to change, even if we were healthy eaters before and that we need to ensure that we get the right nutrients for our bodies and the growing babies inside. Is it really different for twin pregnancies? Today we’re looking at how using prenatal vitamins might be different for twin pregnancies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 10/31/23
As twin parents, when we watch our kids grow and develop, we see our twins’ unique relationship manifested through cycles of sibling rivalry and interdependence. These cycles can last days, hours, or minutes but always seem to hinge on the element of sameness. So, how can we help nudge our twins towards alternatives? How can we help them embrace their twindom while still standing out in a crowd? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 10/24/23
Having a tough time telling your identical twins apart? You're not alone. Or perhaps you're looking for ways to allow other people to tell your twins apart more easily. Moms of identical twins share what strategies worked for them as well as their own insecurities of making the mistake themselves.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 10/17/23
If you're pregnant with twins and you're already a parent to a singleton, you may be wondering how different your experience will be. How will you prepare your singleton for the arrival of the new babies? How do you encourage closeness between all your children? And then there's the semantics of day-to-day life, such as traveling with all your kids at the same time, making time for their activities, etc. Today we're exploring what life is like when you have singletons before twins.  Learn...
Published 10/10/23
When your babies are born within minutes of each other, it's sometimes difficult to treat them differently. After all, they did share a womb for several months. However, the pressure to treat your twins the same often leads to intense sibling rivalry and competition, amongst other things. So, how can you be fair to your twins without feeling like everything must be shared or split equally? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 10/03/23
Most twin parents agree that getting your twosome on a regular sleep schedule is one of the biggest challenges for new parents of twins. What are some of the main issues when it comes to getting twins to sleep as opposed to singletons? What are sleep patterns and what can you expect from your newborns within those first few months? Plus, tips for getting your little ones on a consistent sleep schedule so you can get some shut-eye too! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 09/26/23
Trying to determine if cloth diapers are the right choice for your growing family? What are some of the main reasons twin parents choose cloth diapers instead of disposable ones? What type of cloth diapers are available to you? Plus, tips on doing laundry and keeping your diapers as clean as possible. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 09/19/23
Published 06/27/23
You've heard the phrase "eating for two". So if you're pregnant with twins, should you be "eating for three"? What exactly does your body need nutritionally to help with the growth and development of your babies? What are the daily caloric requirements? Plus, we'll demystify common foods that are often considered "taboo" during pregnancy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 11/29/22
You've successfully delivered your twins, now it's time to give your body a little TLC for all its hard work! What can you expect to experience within the first six weeks after giving birth to your babies? How does the recovery process with twins differ from having just one baby? What typically happens after having a c-section versus having a vaginal birth? And what are some options for reshaping your body to help you feel a bit more "normal" again? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 11/22/22
Are you prepared to pay for two sets of college tuition at the same time or pay for major life events like weddings or house down payments? The thought of just one of these is overwhelming, much less paying for two at a time! What can you do to plan ahead and save money for the future of twin parenting? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 11/15/22
You've just learned you're pregnant with twins! Odds are, you're in complete shock. You may be asking questions like, how did this happen? How common are twins? Are they identical or fraternal? And could it happen to me again? Today we're learning all about "twinning", the process of conceiving twins. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 11/08/22
Having trouble finding the perfect baby names for your twins? That's because there's double the pressure to get it right! What's trending right now with baby names? And what should you consider when making this big decision?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 11/01/22
If you have infant twins, you already know that you can count on dressing them in multiple outfits each day. Not because they are fashionistas, but because of the inevitable spit-ups, blow-outs, spills, and everything else that gets them grimy. Between diapering and changing clothes multiple times a day, you just learn to grin and bear it. But what if there are ways to make this easier? Today we’re talking about hacks to make it easier to get twin babies dressed! Learn more about your ad...
Published 10/25/22
Preterm birth is more likely with twins than singletons, which may result in some time in the NICU. Even though your babies may be under constant medical care, there are still plenty of ways to bond with them. How important is physical contact with your newborn? What are some other ways to bond with your babies without touching them? And how can you help siblings and other family members get to know your babies better? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 10/18/22
You've made the decision to babywear your twins. There's a lot of different types of baby carriers, so how do you pick the best ones for you and your babies? What features should you be looking for? What kind of carriers work best for tandem babywearing? We're breaking down the pros and cons of each style according to the twin parents who know them best! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 10/11/22
Most twin parents agree that getting your twosome on a regular sleep schedule is one of the biggest challenges for new parents of twins. What are some of the main issues when it comes to getting twins to sleep as opposed to singletons? What are sleep patterns and what can you expect from your newborns within those first few months? Plus, tips for getting your little ones on a consistent sleep schedule so you can get some shut-eye too! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 10/04/22