The TWITS series follows the adventures of Cyril Chippington-Smythe (Michael Urie), the world's richest man, and his mechanical manservant Bentley (Dakin Matthews) as they navigate a dystopian world in search of love and meaning. This is a world in which the great minds that should have discovered electricity went into the restaurant business instead, or decided to chuck the science game because their true passion was stand-up comedy. It is a world of hydrogen, steam-powered servants and factory-made food- in which the privileged few, like Cyril Chippington-Smythe, whose every wish is...
When we last saw Cyril he was being carried on the shoulders of a mob bent on confronting the evil tycoon Cyril Chippington-Smythe. They little suspect that the heroic “Johny” who is leading their little uprising is, in fact, the very Chippington-Smythe they despise. Quite a sticky wicket for our...
Published 04/29/24
We left Cyril and Binky packed like sardines on a creaky old mattress. Binky has put his foot in it by passing himself off as a leader of the Welsh Underground in order to impress Judy. A new day has dawned, however, bringing with it the promise of new adventures... and pancakes! Judy has...
Published 04/29/24
We left Cyril horrified by the arrival of his Aunt Hypatia, Uncle Hugo, Cousin Binky and C. Langford Cheeseworth, who have come to join him in the amusing game they call, “Slumming”. Will they scuttle Cyril's chance to win his wager? Will he be forced to slink back to the Club in disgrace? The...
Published 04/29/24