Overview of the faculty evaluation process for UAFT faculty based on the existing faculty evaluation guidelines. The new guidelines have not yet been adopted by UAFT.
Published 03/28/14
Overview of the changes to the faculty evaluation process and procedures due to adoption of new Faculty Evaluation Guidelines and the new UNAC Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Published 03/22/14
A panel of 5 Native Alaskan UAA Faculty: Paul Ongtooguk, College of Education and founder of Alaskool; Sharon Lind, former President of the Aleut Corporation and currently teaching in the College of Business; Maria Williams, Director of Alaska Native Studies; and Jeane Breinig, English professor, discuss diversifying academe and answer the question: What would the University look like if indigenous values and knowledge were central and/or integrated into our University?
Published 03/05/12
[The sound is problematic in this video but it is mostly possible to hear.] Panelists, Mel Kalkowski, John Johnson, and Kaela Parks discuss the different types of VA benefits available to military and veteran students through various programs and all the factors they have to take into consideration when taking advantage of those programs. they describe the pitfall that can trap them as well as tips for supporting them succeed.
Published 08/18/11
Neil Howe, author of the book "Millennials in the Workplace" discusses the difference between various generations in the context of the workplace, their unique strengths and qualities, how and why they differ from one another, and how you can draw from certain generations to meet your needs.
Published 03/01/11
Published 07/01/10
UAA faculty, Diane Erickson, Diane Hirshberg, and Tara Smith discuss the benefits of the Making Learning Visible (MLV) Learning Community and the support faculty provide one another as they investigate their teaching practices and document new methods to improve student learning in their classes.
Published 07/01/10
UAA Faculty, Jacqueline Cason and Tara Smith discuss the benefits of CAFE's Making Learning Visible (MLV) program and the advantages for using MLV to produce evidence of teaching effectiveness that goes well beyond student evaluations.
Published 07/01/10
CAFE Faculty Associate, Betty Predeger describes the Making Learning Visible program, UAA's Scholarship of Teaching & Learning program, which supports faculty as they investigate, document, and report out about their teaching.
Published 07/01/10
Strategies for dealing with the care of aging parents who live out of state while also trying to balance work responsibilities. She discusses the most common scenarios for elderly decline and death as well as the gap between what our health system provides and the needs for care of various groups.
Published 05/01/10