Ep. 17 - RACISM and #blacklivesmatter with Roe Philip
Both of us wanted to talk about this very important subject but because we're both white, we decided to pass the microphone on to someone who can actually talk about his experience. Thank you for sharing with us, Roe. .. Este podcast é normalmente em português mas neste episódio quisemos trazer um convidado para falar sobre os protestos importantes que se estão a passar no mundo de momento. É importante falar sobre o racismo e sobre a experiência de pessoas de cor numa sociedade feita para pessoas brancas.List of where to donatehttps://www.thecut.com/article/george-floyd-protests-how-to-help-where-to-donate.htmlORGANISATIONShttps://www.blackvisionsmn.org/abouthttps://www.cuapb.org/what_we_dohttps://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/donate-to-surj.htmlBOOKS TO READ https://www.thecut.com/2020/05/13-books-you-should-read-about-black-lives.html