Welcome to Unbox The Podcast, your weekly guide to self-empowerment and a more meaningful life. I'm Sahar Huneidi-Palmer, your host on this journey towards motivation and practical insights. Established in 2004, Unbox The Podcast has been a reliable source for down-to-earth personal growth perspectives. In each episode, join me as I draw from my 30 years of exploration, learning, and global guidance. As a bestselling author with nine books to my name, I aim to inspire you to heal and align your infinite creative being with your life purpose. Together, let's embark on a journey of...
In this episode of Unbox The Podcast, we delve into the reasons behind feeling stuck and struggling in life. Human beings are a complex matrix with many dimensions that govern how we feel, think, operate, and decide. These dimensions continuously interact with each other, often leading to...
Published 07/18/24
مقابلة في برنامج جميعنا نسعى إلى زيادة الوعي بالذات، ولا نعرف من أين نبدأ حيث تنهال علينا المعلومات من كل حدبٍ وصوب، كما تسحرنا شخصيات نتمنى أن نكون مكانها ونعيش حياتها، ولكننا ننسى النقطة الأهم بأن حياتنا وتجاربنا لم ولن تكون متطابقة مع تجارب الآخرين، ولذا لا بد أن نكون النسخة الأفضل من أنفسنا...
Published 06/28/24