Let's celebrate together! This year marks three significant milestones for me. The 1st is having four books published this year (on self-development, Tarot, & psychic development to be released October 2022), & three more in 2023 (on healing, dream interpretation and numerology). To give back the knowledge and experience I gained, has been a life-time goal. The 2nd is the 30th career anniversary as a life mentor, life coaching, psychic, holistic therapist. My 60th birthday in November this year, is the 3rd significant milestone! Yes folks, I have crossed the mid-century mark. Literally, half of my lifetime coaching clients and guiding them to overcome life's problems and changing their perspectives so they could design a happy fulfilled life. Working with you, has also enriched my life too. The best way for me to "thank you" was to invite you to 5 Unbox Group Mentoring sessions supporting your life at this momentous period of transformation. Anything goes! Come with questions, dreams, and problems.... and let's unbox them. Follow Sahar: Starting soon on ClubHouse: Unbox Coffee Break. Join me. YouTube - Instagram- Website - Facebook- Download Free Tools For Life & move forward:
In this episode of Unbox The Podcast, we delve into the reasons behind feeling stuck and struggling in life. Human beings are a complex matrix with many dimensions that govern how we feel, think, operate, and decide. These dimensions continuously interact with each other, often leading to...
Published 07/18/24
مقابلة في برنامج جميعنا نسعى إلى زيادة الوعي بالذات، ولا نعرف من أين نبدأ حيث تنهال علينا المعلومات من كل حدبٍ وصوب، كما تسحرنا شخصيات نتمنى أن نكون مكانها ونعيش حياتها، ولكننا ننسى النقطة الأهم بأن حياتنا وتجاربنا لم ولن تكون متطابقة مع تجارب الآخرين، ولذا لا بد أن نكون النسخة الأفضل من أنفسنا...
Published 06/28/24