Sahar talks about how to interpret symbols in a Turkish Coffee Cup to gain insights into your life and the future. More information is available in , Your Fortune in A Coffee Cup - The Art of Divining with Coffee Grounds. When it comes to interpreting symbols, there are universal symbols, and personal symbols which your intuition will help you arrive at their meaning. She explains how in this podcast using several examples. Understanding how we can release our limitations and, create what we desire in life is what brings joy and freedom. If you have enjoyed this, please subscribe & review.
In this episode of Unbox The Podcast, we delve into the reasons behind feeling stuck and struggling in life. Human beings are a complex matrix with many dimensions that govern how we feel, think, operate, and decide. These dimensions continuously interact with each other, often leading to...
Published 07/18/24
مقابلة في برنامج جميعنا نسعى إلى زيادة الوعي بالذات، ولا نعرف من أين نبدأ حيث تنهال علينا المعلومات من كل حدبٍ وصوب، كما تسحرنا شخصيات نتمنى أن نكون مكانها ونعيش حياتها، ولكننا ننسى النقطة الأهم بأن حياتنا وتجاربنا لم ولن تكون متطابقة مع تجارب الآخرين، ولذا لا بد أن نكون النسخة الأفضل من أنفسنا...
Published 06/28/24