Josh and Aly were enjoying life in the early years of marriage. God was good and life was good. But on October 17, 2011 Aly received a phone call from her doctor and learned she had breast cancer. Through the treatments, the possibility of ever conceiving children seemed to disappear. Life was not looking good, but God still had good in mind for Josh, Aly, and their family. Show Notes and Resources Learn more about Josh and Aly Taylor and their book, "Aly's Fight."...
Published 10/07/19
John Driver had the privilege of writing a book with Tyler Trent. When Tyler was 15, he was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of bone cancer. When he was a 20 year old student at Purdue, he had beaten the cancer and had it return multiple times. At Purdue, his love for life, football, and the Lord became apparent and would soon be known by people around the world. Tyler became an honorary Purdue team captain. His story went viral on ESPN and his prediction of Purdue's upset over highly...
Published 09/30/19
What happens when at 14 one of the biggest bullies in your life is your own mother? Sarah Mae thought moving in with her with her "cool mom" was going to be great, but soon realized that her mom's alcoholism revealed her mean and verbally abusive side. And when Sarah became pregnant as a teen she chose abortion when encouraged by both grandmothers. But through the shame and sadness, God's love still pursued Sarah. Show Notes and Resources Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife...
Published 09/23/19
How do you forgive someone who has murdered your spouse and isn't sorry about it? Anthony Thompson's wife, Myra, was one of nine victims shot and killed on June 17, 2015 at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC. The shooter purposefully targeted African-Americans in hopes of starting a race war. But when Anthony Thompson and other family members of the victims faced the shooter, it wasn't hate, but love and forgiveness that won the day.
Published 09/16/19
What would you do if your beloved son was transformed from an exemplary patriot and soldier into a calculating and premeditated murderer? Carol Kent shares what it is like to surrender everything to God, including her hopes and dreams for her son, Jason, now doing life in prison without the possibility of parole for the murder of his wife's ex-husband. Show Notes and Resources When I Lay My Isaac Down by Carol Kent.  https://www.amazon.com/When-Lay-Isaac-Down-Circumstances/dp/161291442X ...
Published 05/13/19
What would you do if your beloved son was transformed from an exemplary patriot and soldier into a calculating and premeditated murderer? Carol Kent shares what it is like to surrender everything to God, including her hopes and dreams for her son, Jason, now doing life in prison without the possibility of parole for the murder of his wife's ex-husband. Show Notes and Resources When I Lay My Isaac Down by Carol Kent.  https://www.amazon.com/When-Lay-Isaac-Down-Circumstances/dp/161291442X ...
Published 05/13/19
Wouldn't it be great to be tall, athletic, musical, and good looking? And on top of that to have good character and spiritual strength as well? For David Kline, it seemed that God had given him these blessings, and more. So when he broke his neck in a freak diving accident, David wasn't even particularly concerned. After all, God is the God of healing, right? David Kline shares a faith undiminished, as he explores the lessons learned as a lifelong quadriplegic. Show Notes and Resources ...
Published 05/06/19
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. For Heath Adamson, Psalm 23 is more than a familiar verse. Heath's journey to those pastures of God's care included detours through parental abuse and neglect, drug addiction, and even homelessness. Kim explores the riches of God's Word through Psalm 23 with Heath Adamson.
Published 04/29/19
Everyone dreams of a life free of trouble, and Cameron Cole seemed to be one of those lucky few who actually achieved the dream. He lived a trouble-free childhood and adolescence and even married his high school sweetheart. But in one day Cameron's illusion of charmed perfection was shattered by four shocking words: "Our son is dead." How can someone who's life seemed so blessed continue to exhibit a vibrant faith in a God who seems to have slipped up?
Published 04/22/19
Marriage should be the most trusted and intimate relationship of all, but for Ramona Probasco, marriage quickly turned into a prison of fear and danger. She suffered and perservered through two decades of physical, emotional and verbal abuse. And in spite of her ex-husband's evil intent, Dr. Ramona triumphed-not only escaping the abuser, but in the process becoming personally whole and professionally equipped to help thousands of other women overcome domestic abuse.
Published 04/15/19
Kate Clark was a busy mom with a long to-do list that included Friday mornings at the playground. But, on one particular Friday, the arc of Kate's life was redirected by an accidental blow to her neck from a playful 9-year-old boy. In an instant, she was paralyzed and immobile. That began Kate's two year journey of fear, faith, acceptance, and healing from total paralysis.
Published 04/08/19
Published 04/08/19
For 17-year-old Chelsea Sobolik, key signals of her passage into womanhood were late-very late. As she prepared to enter college, a visit with her physician confirmed Chelsea's worst fear: She was permanently infertile, born without a uterus. In this episode of Unfavorable Odds, Chelsea Sobolik reveals how this difficult diagnosis led her on a journey of self-discovery.
Published 04/02/19
Published 04/02/19
Meg Miller and her husband Joe knew that marriage would be challenging, and Meg understood that, like many men, her husband might struggle with those classic "hidden sins." But she was confident that she would be able to handle those challenges if they came. Nevertheless, when Meg discovered pornography on the family computer, she was beyond devastated. Meg shares how a quiet bitterness in her heart that defied healing eventually led her to a stunning discovery about her own heart, and her...
Published 04/01/19
Published 04/01/19