“There are stars on this review because of the fact Rose's mum was so lovely to listen to - there were some good interviews with people from those days. However, the journalist was immorally doing whatever he needed do to get these discussions, putting words in mouths and pushing his agenda. At the end of episode 5 (SPOILER) Daisy, Rose's mum, asks how they killed them.. he does respectfully decline to go into detail, saying it's unhelpful. But when she asks if she might have been led by Fred, he tells her that 'no she enjoyed it...' It didn't need to be so plainly put to a mum who was, to me, struggling to comprehend that someone she raised could do something as bad as she had.
The worst thing in this podcast is how, when playing any tapes back, he repeats every bloody thing they say - fine if it's inaudible (can be quite helpful at that point), but completely unnecessary when the audio is clear - such as when interviewing Rose's mum. It's almost word-for-word repeated. So then I wonder 'where is his OWN take on things' - it's effectively a compilation of accounts of various contacts/witnesses which simply highlight what happened, but delves no deeper.
It's a good collection of interviews for sure - and time has clearly been spent hounding interviewees for a chat. But having already done that, there could have been much better analysis than simply to repeat what was said.”Read full review »
kingrossii via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·
“I listen to podcasts all day long. How on earth can you release a podcast with such horrific audio?? Seriously this is such a fail. Don’t waste your time.”
Stud Muffin Maty via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“this is the most bass-y sounding podcast i’ve ever heard. it’s almost unlistenable. needs to be completely remastered.
other than that it seems pretty good:)”
indyhermit via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·