ABOUT THIS EPISODE – Lara’s Learnings spotlights on the key takeaways from the last 9 podcast episodes as well as giving my reflections upon what I have learnt. Lara’s Learnings is a great opportunity to have a taster of previous episodes if you are short on listening time. You can easily select the content that is relevant for you and click below to be taken directly to that episode. Ep 60 – Refreshed And Ready To Go with Lara Lauder Ep 61 – How To Feel Confident When Grieving with...
Published 04/05/23
Published 04/05/23
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – “Where’s Laura gone?” Did you have children in your 30s and soon they're all at school and before you know it you are very much involved with the fundraising, perhaps even become the chair of the PTA organising everybody as well as running around going to music lessons and sport, gymnastics? Laura did because she wanted to be present for her children. But by her mid 40s she noticed ‘Where's Laura gone?” She realised she was “losing Laura”. This episode is all about...
Published 03/29/23
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – Even as a small child Caroline was fearful. This living with fear culminated with her body saying ‘NO’ and she ended up collapsing and spending time in hospital. “finally, I collapsed. I just literally collapsed in the carpark at work, and was ambulance off and spent two days in hospital. And again, they could not find anything because it was all emotion “ “everyone has a different rock bottom. Mine was particularly deep. It's that moment when you recognise, if I carry...
Published 03/22/23
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of giving your wardrobe a spring clean? For many of us this feels like a massive job and too much to do by yourself. Grab yourself a cuppa and a notebook and sit back and have a listen whilst I share my top tips to help you feel confident spring cleaning your wardrobe. If you get to the end of the podcast and you still feel you need some help, why not enrol on my 7 Day Get Your Wardrobe In Order With Lara Lauder Course. Email:...
Published 03/15/23
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – March 20th 2023 is officially the First Day of Spring. This date marks the “spring equinox” in the Northern Hemisphere.  Many of us will be looking to have a Spring Clean as part of looking forward to the longer, warmer days. Traditionally a Spring Clean is all about cleaning the house from top to bottom. In this episode of the Unlock Your hidden Confidence podcast I share my top tips for a Spring Clean on a different level. From your make up bag and brushes to your...
Published 03/08/23
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – Are you one of those people who says, “I don't do sales or I can't sell?” You might feel you can’t sell but the reality is that every day you are selling yourself, your viewpoint, opinions, knowledge and expertise. In some way, shape or form, we are always selling ourselves. So whether you're in business, or you're someone who works in an office, or perhaps you're at home, whatever your role is in life, wherever you are, this podcast is for you today to help you unlock...
Published 03/01/23
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – This episode was created to share with you the importance of making the most of your little square box on a Zoom screen. We have all been Zooming for so long now, yet it never ceases to amaze me how many people STILL do not make the best of themselves online. In this episode I share with you the 3 essential components to creating the RIGHT First Impression in the Zoom Room. 3 Essential components that make all the difference even before you have opened your mouth to...
Published 02/22/23
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – February is the month of LOVE. In this week’s episode of the Unlock Your Hidden Confidence Podcast I want to empower you to LOVE your colours, all of them. Tune in for top tips on how you can truly connect with the colours that naturally light up your face, make you look healthy and younger! Did you find it hard to accept your colours after colour analysis? Perhaps you didn’t ‘get it’? If this is you, listen for my top tips on how to embrace your new colours. Perhaps...
Published 02/15/23
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – Have you ever had a bad hair day? Of course you have! We all have at some point in our lives. How we react and feel will vary dependent upon our personality and the situation we are in. Does having a bad hair day affect your confidence? Affect how you show up at work? Affect your performance at work? If you are answering Yes to those questions, read on and tune in because my guest just might have the answers for you. I was delighted to welcome Hannah Bradley,...
Published 02/08/23
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – WARNING: This episode may contain content that some might find triggering. Suicide and end of life is discussed. Experiencing grief is difficult at any time in your life. In this episode my guest Liz Hood and I talk about how we have navigated our way through grief. What we both have in common is that wearing our ‘colours’ made us feel more confident at a time when our confidence had diminished into ‘the fog’ of grief. Tune in to hear how our colour ‘armour’...
Published 02/01/23
Refreshed And Ready To Go – Part of the process to be refreshed is to reflect and review. A a great way to end 2022 and enter 2023. I’m delighted to be back after a 6 month break and share what’s been going on for me. Reflection and time to think is a powerful tool and I share how my reflection time has made me only more determined to work my true passion and achieve the growth and success I want. Most people just apply this process to their life, their goals, needs, wants, desires. I...
Published 01/25/23
How many times have you said yes to someone or something when really you should have said no? Having the confidence to say NO can be hard but when you unlock your hidden confidence and start to say no you begin to realise you are actually saying YES to so many possibilities. In this episode I touch upon my own experience of saying yes when really I wanted to say no. I hope that you will take comfort and inspiration and look deep within yourself to say yes and no with true confidence and no...
Published 06/29/22
Each month I like to review my podcast episodes. It's called Lara's Learnings. Not only is it an opportunity for me to listen again to the wise words of my guests but reflect upon what I have learnt from them and consider how I will use that knowledge to Unlock My Hidden Confidence further both personally and professionally.   Lara's Learnings is also a great opportunity for you the audience to have a taster of content and value of the previous episodes. Tune in to hear...
Published 06/22/22
Do you find packing for a holiday stressful? time-consuming? hardwork? In this episode I share with you my top tips for effortless holiday packing. By the end of the episode you will have a simple system that you can easily apply to enable you to have effortless, stressfree holiday packing. If you want to come on my How To Build A Holiday Capsule Wardrobe Workshop email [email protected] for more information and future dates. ABOUT THE HOST – Lara is a Presence, Impact & Image...
Published 06/15/22
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – Do you find buying shoes a challenge? Do you often have to ‘make do’ and comprise on fit, style, colour and choice? In this episode I talk with expert Lorna Pullman from Foot Health First and discuss the challenges many of us experience when trying to find shoes that fit. Lorna, expertly guides us on how we can gain more confidence with our future shoe purchases. With fantastic top tips for what shoes to take on your next holiday together with an exclusive discount...
Published 06/08/22
Red, White & Blue For A Jazzy Jubilee! Will you be wearing red, white & blue this bank holiday weekend? With many of us attending street parties, family gatherings or community events wearing our best red, white and blue could not be more important. In this episode I help you get your Jazzy Jubilee outfit ready with a deep dive into the different shades of red, white & blue for each of the colour seasons. I have even made some videos so you can see the difference. Head over to...
Published 06/01/22
If someone met you for the first time today, what words would they use to describe you based upon what you are wearing? What we wear should say something about who we are, the type of person we are, give hints to our personality, our values. It’s our Signature Style. In this episode I review the very unique Signature Style of our Queen. Tune to hear my thoughts and observations on how this inspiring Lady clearly portrays her Signature Style and how YOU can develop your Signature Style. I...
Published 05/25/22
Happy Birthday! The Unlock Your Hidden Confidence is celebrating it’s 1st anniversary. Since it’s launch a year ago, 57 episodes have been recorded and the podcast is reaching audiences in 39 countires. Thank you for your support! Tune in to hear what the top 5 episodes are and also to hear my insights on how as our confidence grows we are able to move forward and evolve. I also invite YOU the listener to feature on the podcast and share some exciting news about how I am moving forward! ...
Published 05/25/22
Lara's Learnings is a monthly review. I spotlight my amazing guests, the key takeaways from each episode and share how I have Unlocked My Hidden Confidence during the month. Listen in as I share my insights from episode 47 Celebrate With Confidence, 048 Movement Builds The Brain with Niki McGlynn, 049 Own Who You Are – Embrace Your Style with Kathryn Devonald-Davies, episodes 50&51 Meet The Speaker, LIVE Q&A with That Woman.Tech, Lana Morris. Huge takeaways from each episode and I...
Published 05/18/22
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – This is LIVE Meet The Speaker recorded at the end of April via a Live Vodcast using StreamYard to LinkedIn and the Unlock Your Hidden Confidence Community Facebook Group. Join the Facebook Group HERE This is Part 2 of Lana Morris’ (aka That Woman Tech) podcast episode following on from her 016 Episode Is Confidence Intuitive?  In this LIVE recording of a Q&A session, all of your questions were answered and more! Examples of questions: Q. Google Analytics-do we...
Published 05/04/22
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – This is LIVE Meet The Speaker recorded at the end of April via a Live Vodcast using StreamYard to LinkedIn and the Unlock Your Hidden Confidence Community Facebook Group. Join the Facebook Group HERE This is Part 1 of Lana Morris’ (aka That Woman Tech) podcast episode following on from her 016 Episode Is Confidence Intuitive?  In this LIVE recording of a Q&A session, all of your questions were answered and more! Examples of questions: Q. Are there other people...
Published 05/04/22
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – I’ve been curious to know if Covid has changed the way professionals such as solicitors dress. I have always felt that certain professions have a ‘uniform’ of black suits with very little opportunity for individuals to express who they are, their personality. Is Formal Dressing as we know chsnging? I was delighted to be introduced to Kathryn Devonald-Davies, recognised as one of the Top 5 Business Women in Wales and owner of DPA Law. Kathryn is very clear on how she...
Published 04/27/22
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – Deep in frustration have you ever questioned yourself and said ‘what’s wrong with me?’ You feel you should be able to do something but for some reason you just can’t seem to see it or get it right. I feel this about spelling. I try so hard, check what I have written many times but I just don’t see simple errors or sometimes the spelling is so bad the spell check on the computer can’t even make a suggestion! This really knocks my confidence and as a result I try and...
Published 04/20/22
ABOUT THIS EPISODE – Do you find it hard to celebrate your success? Is there a fine line between ‘blowing your own trumpet’, sounding big headed and simply celebrating your achievements?  Do you shy away from celebrating success becuase you worried about others judging you? In this episode I talk about my relationship with celebrating success and offer insight into how owning your experiences both good and bad lead you to where you are today. I share my personal journey that has led me...
Published 04/13/22