Welcome back to another season of Upthescore Podcast we are excited to keep upping the score and giving you some great content. Make sure to follow us on all social media platforms and don't forget to like comment and subscribe to stay updated on what we have going on. https://linktr.ee/ontheboardproductionsllc
Published 04/01/24
This week we got to sit down with Cory of upthescorefilmz
Published 11/28/23
This week we got to sit down with the owners and creators of I am Goated and got the back story of how it came to be and what is next for the brand.
Published 11/28/23
Welcome back to another episode of Upthescore Podcast this week Steph and Steph are talking about why kids are jumping from team to team and really giving insight into why some kids. Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe to our channel and check out https://www.nysgnetwork.com/ https://www.instagram.com/upthescorepod/
Published 11/28/23
This we got to speak with Father and Son duo Coach Joe Haynes Sr. and amateur boxer Joe Haynes Jr, and we managed to get some understanding and clearly on what it is to be a hands on coach and father without crossing those boundaries. Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe to our channel and check out https://www.nysgnetwork.com/ https://www.instagram.com/upthescorepod/ https://www.instagram.com/coachjoehaynes/ https://www.instagram.com/famous_jo3/
Published 08/21/23
Welcome back to another episode of Upthescore Podcast, this week we got to talk with Bobby Christian owner of the colts, he gave us some amazing insight and more. Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe to our channel and check out https://www.nysgnetwork.com/ https://www.instagram.com/upthescorepod/ https://www.instagram.com/rocket_mgmt/
Published 08/16/23
Welcome back to another episode we got a special one for you, this week we have Semaj Morgan Jr, and he were able to to talk to him about how his foundation was created and looking at the landscape for High school NIL and what the future holds. Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe to our channel and check out https://www.nysgnetwork.com/ https://www.instagram.com/_dubshow/ https://www.instagram.com/semajjmorganfoundation/
Published 07/21/23
Live from Sound Mind Sound Body Steph and Steph got the opportunity to speak with Wayne State University head coach Tyrone Wheatley we got the inside scoop of what made him become a coach and more. Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe to our channel and check out https://www.nysgnetwork.com/ And follow us on all social media for updates and more content. https://www.instagram.com/nationalyouthsportsgroup/ https://www.instagram.com/upthescorepod/...
Published 07/15/23
Welcome to another Episode of Upthescore podcast, this week Steph and Steph were at the Pistons practice facility for the William palmer foundation celebrity game. And they were able to Speak with Bobby Christian of the Eastside Colts and Rocket Mgmt. They discussed the new trend of NIL and more. https://www.instagram.com/upthescorepod/ https://www.instagram.com/eastsidecolts1988/ https://www.instagram.com/rocket_mgmt/
Published 07/12/23
This week Steph and Steph talk about the ultimate all things youth sports and making other sports come to the front, Join us as we dive deep into the world of youth athletics, exploring the strategies, insights, and stories that empower young athletes to become their best selves. Make sure you like comment and subscribe and shout to our Sponsors https://www.urbanfetes.com/ and https://www.mypostglow.com/ Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and check us out on our social media....
Published 07/01/23
Welcome back to another Episode of Upthescore Podcast, This Steph and Steph talk about the camp they attended last weekend and how important Recreation Centers are to the communities that they are in. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and check us out on our social media.
https://www.instagram.com/upthescorepod/ https://www.instagram.com/upthescorefilmz/ https://www.instagram.com/_coachsmith_/ https://www.instagram.com/stephoneterrelltv/
and check out our website for more information...
Published 06/24/23
This week we talked to the owner of @fullcount_foundation313, and got to know and understand his motivation to create this Organization make sure you guys follow on all social media platforms.https://www.instagram.com/fullcount_foundation313/https://www.instagram.com/upthescorepod/https://www.instagram.com/upthescorefilmz/https://www.nysgnetwork.com/https://linktr.ee/ontheboardproductionsllc?utm_source=linktree_admin_share
Published 06/18/23
Welcome back to another Episode of Upthescore Podcast, This week Steph and Steph talk about E Sports, and some other exciting topics make sure you leave a comment, like and you might as well subscribe for more Upthescore Content.
Published 06/11/23
This week Steph and Steph talked about all the action that happened last weekend and dive deep into some topics, make sure you check out https://www.nysgnetwork.com/ for all exclusive content and make sure you follow us on all socials media for updates.
Published 05/26/23
Welcome to the Upthescore podcast we been cooking for a minute but here we go. Make sure to check us out on all social media https://www.instagram.com/upthescorepod/ And check out our website https://www.nysgnetwork.com/ for all exclusive content.
Published 05/20/23