Canvas in an Urdu short story written by Mohan Yawar and Narrated by Sahil iqball
Published 02/02/22
The story is about an orphan boy who wishes to have Spiderman Dress on Eid day. While his elder brother wants to full fill his wish and goes through a tough time. The story is written and Narrated by Sahil iqball
Published 01/22/22
Published 12/29/21
Jamurriat is an Urdu short story which depicts the actual situation of democracy in India. The story is based on the theory of power, how a well respected person turns into a cruel sarpanch (Fudal lord).
Published 12/16/21
The story is written by My Father (Maqbool Sahil). The story is about two lovers stuck in a traffic jam, the girl keeps praying that may the Great God bless her Car Wings so that thay can flay our the traffic mess and her wish actually cames true
Published 09/16/21
Gaffar is an Urdu shory story written by Zubair Qurashi
Published 02/11/21