vBrownBag.com is a community of people who believe in helping other people. Specifically we work in IT infrastructure and we help other people in the IT industry to better their careers through education. Most frequent activity is producing the vBrownBag podcast. vBrownBag also attends global conferences to produce TechTalks and theater sessions.
What better way to learn about Machine Learning than with an AWS Machine Learning Hero???
Join us as we talk with Cyril Bandolo about the best ways to learn about this exciting new field!
00:00 - Intro
08:20 - What is serverless?
16:00 - What is Machine Learning?
18:38 - ML vs GenAI vs...
Published 11/28/24
AWS Hero Linda Mohamed joins the vBrownBag to show us how she uses Amazon Q to scale community engagement (also a sneak peek for her AWS ReInvent 2024 session!)
00:00 Intros and chit-chat
09:05 Linda is a juggler, and Damian is fascinated by juggling math 🤣
12:30 Building an AI application with...
Published 11/26/24
Jeramiah Dooley joins the vBrownBag to discuss his experience at and insights from GitHub Universe 2024, and explores the transition from individual contributor to people manager. Great career tips inside!
00:53 Introducing Jeramiah Dooley
07:11 Experiencing GitHub Universe 2024
Published 11/18/24