There are two parts to this show. First the history of video game chapter is read from my forthcoming book, Playing Reality, by my coauthor who happens to be my son, Teace Snyder (! As you know from earlier shows the reason that I got interested in video game play was because my son is a gamer but he is also a writer and film maker. So when I thought about writing a book for my students, and other gamers, on what we know psychologically about gaming, it seemed a good idea to have the voice of the narrator (writer/coauthor) be a serious gamer. You’ll learn how the 20 something generation responded to Nintendo and the various changes in game play including the first introductions to violence. Following this reading, I talk with Dr. Sanford Rosenberg (mailto:
[email protected] )who discusses gaming in society from the perspective of a media analyst. Dr. Rosenberg is the CEO and founder of Media Research Associates (,). He reflects back on his days with Pong and how he also followed his children’s leads into the new world of electronic media and play. In our conversation he speculates about the future directions of gaming.