If you adopt Satvik food,go to bed early , have a quality sleep and do exercise regularly, you will live along healthy, happy and medicine free life and Attract Abundance in every area of your life.
Published 12/25/21
Published 12/25/21
If your Passive Income I..e. Your Rental Income and/or Dividend and Interest Income per month exceeds your lifestyle expenses per month, then you are having Financial Freedom
Published 04/04/21
Remember 5 F’s Faith, Family, Friend, Finance, Fitness, And be Persistent, Good Relationship, Charity.
Published 02/21/21
Human body is capable of protecting itself from cancer. Each T cell has power to kill 1000 cancer cells. Dr Hunjo and Dr Allison , 2018 Nobel Prize Winners have proved that if you do waterless twice a month , I. e. 20 days in a Year, your immune system will be so strong that there is least, least chances of your body getting affected by cancer.
Published 02/07/21
Solution to Type2 Diabetes is change your lifestyle by changing your breath, eating healthy and thinking. Adopt Whole Food Plant Based Diet , eliminate Animal products including meat and milk, milk products, reduce salt, oil and sugar intake.
Published 02/06/21
If you practice this 10 minutes Meditation by chanting 9 universal truth, you will enjoy healthy lifestyle.
Published 11/14/20
If you persists in Happy Thoughts, Happy Feelings and Practice Creative Imagination, you will live bring them in to Reality.
Published 11/08/20
There is only one Disease, (Cellular Malfunction), Two Causes, Deficiency and Toxicity. Thee r Six Pathways to solve this Malfunctioning, Nutrition, Toxin, Psychological, Physical, Genetic and Medical.
Published 11/07/20
If you eat Whole Food Plant Based eliminating Dairy and Animal Products, You will leave Disesase FreeHealthy life.
Published 11/06/20
Breath is Life. It’s priceless but it comes free of cost and Breath is Effortless. So you take your breath for granted. Visit www.brahmavidya.net
Published 11/05/20
Published 11/04/20
If you change 3 areas of your life, you will transform your life into healthy life and attract abundance i all areas of your life.
Published 11/04/20