One in five Dutch people is occasionally depressed. Depression is both psychologically and physically dangerous to your health. The World Health Organization predicts depression will be the most common disease by 2030. Brenda Penninx, professor of psychiatric epidemiology at VU University,...
Published 02/27/13
Eén op de vijf Nederlanders is wel eens depressief. De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie voorspelt dat depressiviteit in 2030 volksziekte nummer een is. Een depressie zit niet alleen tussen je oren, maar ook in je lijf. Psychiatrisch Epidemioloog Brenda Penninx onderzoekt de relatie tussen...
Published 02/27/13
Sleep is a fundamental part of our lives. But we actually know very little about what our brain is doing while we're dreaming. Why do we need sleep? And what happens when we don't get enough sleep? Neuroscientist Ysbrand van der Werf dreams of solving the mystery of sleep.
In his sleep laboratory...
Published 02/27/13