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Opening Question Does Jesus care what we eat? Introduction One of the more challenging passages in Mark’s gospel is chapter 7’s discussion about unclean hands and foods. But perhaps we ask the wrong questions when we read it. This Mark 7:1-23 Read through this passage, maybe a couple times. As you do, ask yourself what is the main issue raised and what is Jesus’ response to it? Without question, Jesus is addressing food, ritual purity and the tradition of the elders. The Jews in Jesus’ day believed that touching food in the market touched by gentiles would defile them spiritually, and especially so if ...
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Opening Question Is the cross an appropriate symbol for Christianity? Introduction Passion literature requires suffering, but not necessarily death. Jesus both suffers, and then dies in the Gospel account of Mark. The scenes are difficult to take in; perhaps for some, it can even be painful...
Published 09/14/24
Opening Question Why do we sometimes distrust the court system to act justly? Introduction Chapter 14 of Mark begins with Jewish leaders plotting to take Jesus out, and ends with Him in handcuffs and facing a court charade. But these scenes also set up the fulfillment of Jesus’ words to Peter...
Published 09/07/24