It’s Episode 42 of your least favorite Destiny Podcast. Andy, Bentrick, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts where they say hurtful things and you might cry. It’s OK. We always cry tears of joy when you are in pain. Trials of Psoriasis‎ is talked about and stuff. Bentrick also loves all the things, it's his nature. We should mention we love him, too.
Published 06/05/15
It’s Episode 41 of your least favorite Destiny Podcast. Andy, Road, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts where they say hurtful things and you might cry. It’s ok. Trail mix of Psoriasis‎ is talked about and stuff. We'd like to point out that we're Psoriasis isn't something we should joke about. It's awful. It unfortunately is the only thing we could think of that rhymes with "Osiris".
Published 05/29/15
It’s Episode 40 of your favorite Destiny Podcast. Andy, Remy, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts where they say hurtful things and you might cry. It’s ok. Prison of Elders is talked about and basically it’s the worst. Maybe you like it. Maybe you don’t. Does anyone really read this? SugarshaK are you there?
Published 05/26/15
Quesadilla...Warlock Episode 39 has been released. Andy, Remy, Herp and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. This is not episode 1,378,456. We may have used that number already but we're unsure. We do not fact check these episode descriptions. Nothing we write here should be taken as gospel - Unless that gospel is tacos. Then we're fully backing that one.
Published 05/15/15
Pickle...Warlock Episode 38 has been released. Andy and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. Did you know Andy has a dog named Lemon? Now you do. G.I. Joe had it right, knowing is actually half of the battle. This is not episode 7,032,378,043,486. This gag will never die much like the legend of Soul Calibur. We promise we're a Destiny podcast.
Published 05/07/15
BBQ...Warlock Episode 37 has been released. Andy and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. This is not episode 7,032. We're getting more aggressive with our numbering scheme as you can tell. For issues involving this, please send a lengthy e-mail to [email protected]. We tried to get a compuserv e-mail address but we lost interest in the gag.
Published 05/02/15
Pho..Sure...amirite? Warlock Episode 36 has been released. Andy, Bshek, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. This is not episode 703. This episode joke has yet to be boring for us, we're not sure about you.
Published 04/22/15
Put your damn helmet on in the tower…Warlock Episode 35 has been released. Mattman, Tinkkz, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. This is not episode 702. Episode 702 belongs in a museum, for the world.
Published 04/17/15
I don’t have anything to eat…only chips…Warlock Episode 34 has been released. Remy, Andy, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. This is not episode 701. Please send your lunches to: Patrick Watts c/o Cyberdine Systems, Inc 18144 El Camino Real Sunnyvale, California 94024
Published 04/10/15
Is that a little baby Marko over there?…Warlock Episode 33 has been released. Remy, Andy, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. Marko solved the riddle of steel by sending an email about the last description. This is not episode 70. I guess some people read this. I have a question that may need an answer....
Published 04/03/15
Swiss Cheese…Warlock Episode 69 has been released. Remy, Bshek, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. That was a test because it is only episode 32. I am sure no one ever reads this so have a good day. That's it. There's no more. GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR!
Published 03/27/15
Empanada…Warlock Episode 31 has been released. Remy, Andy, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember that Andy in fact is the raid leader and yes you have to love him.
Published 03/19/15
Lunch time…Warlock Episode 30 has been released. Remy, Danny, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember to not steal Patrick's lunch from the breakroom. He writes his name on the bag, what is wrong with your morals?!
Published 03/13/15
Soup…Warlock Episode 29 has been released. Remy, Dickens, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember that soup can often times be a wonderful meal. By meal - we mean appetizer.
Published 02/26/15
Pizza…Warlock Episode 28 has been released. Remy, Dickens, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember that pineapple, despite what Watts says, is a proper pizza topping.
Published 02/20/15
Rye bread… What? It's traditional. Warlock Episode 27 has been released. Remy, Bentrick, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember to enjoy Bentrick at volumes that a T-Rex could also enjoy. What? We have a T-Rex. *cue Jurassic Park theme song*
Published 02/12/15
Taco Pie…Warlock Episode 26 has been released. Remy, Dickens, Chickenlord and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember that there is such a thing as Taco Pie. Taco to the Pie, yo!
Published 02/06/15
Big pizza…Warlock Episode 25 has been released. Remy, Dickens and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember in The Netherlands there was at one point a frozen pizza called and we quote "Big American Pizza". We can't make this up anymore. Do you actually read these?
Published 01/30/15
Crota is not tall…Warlock Episode 24 has been released. Remy, Highbatros and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember to not taunt Crota about his height, he's very insecure about it. Thankfully, he makes up for in it other places. Remember that one song by John Mayer? Spoiler: It's actually about Crota.
Published 01/23/15
Brush your teeth…Warlock Episode 23.5 Crucible special with a hint of Hardmode Crota’s end, has been released. Remy, Danny, Pope Bear, Robot, Andy, Bshek, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember to listen to Metal Gear Solid 3 theme song Snake Eater at full volume at all times. It doesn't actually tie in to this episode but it's good general life advice.
Published 01/19/15
Salad…Warlock Episode 23 has been released. Remy, Danny, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember that telling someone to order a Salad is the nice way of saying: You need to go on a diet.
Published 01/15/15
Poop…Warlock Episode 22 has been released. Remy and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember to not celebrate Guardian Day. We've recently been informed it a Holiday created by Bungie and Hallmark to take over the gaming populous. THEY'RE BUILDING A HUMAN REAPER!
Published 01/09/15
\Milk…Warlock Episode 21 New Year Special has been released. Remy, Dickens, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts. They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember to celebrate Guardian Day. We’re not sure what it is but it sounds pretty legit.
Published 01/05/15
Burrito…Warlock School Episode 20.5 Crota’s End Dungeon Protocols Xbox Clan extravaganza has been released. River, Loki, Matt, Remy and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts (not are all warlocks but who cares…right?). They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember to eat tacos. Now would probably be a good time to do so. Quit being lazy about, we're almost certain a Taco Bell is within five minutes of you.
Published 12/22/14
Hive shaped cookies…Warlock Episode 20 has been released. Remy, Herp, and Watts are your trusty Warlock hosts (Herp is a Hunter and no one cares). They will cover everything Destiny, Warlocks, tacos, and more. Please remember to spam R2 with the sword! SWORD ALL OF THE THINGS!
Published 12/18/14