Hey, everyone. This is a brief message to let you know we're changing some things up. Bentrick describes it in the episode but on the back end, we thought you should have the links:   New Feed New iTunes Location Google Play
Published 06/23/17
Published 06/23/17
Stadium Pretzels... Because it's Warlock School: Self Rez Episode 3. The intrepid duo of Bentrick and Caleb march on unassisted from a third member of their fireteam, somehow managing to go to the podcast light house! Not really, we're not that clever. As you know it's E3 week but those of you on PC will have to wait for news until next month regarding the affair. We apologize for this in advance.
Published 06/16/17
Spicy Ramen... It's Warlock School: Self Rez Episode 2. The Titans are interrupted by some guest Warlocks. That's a weird thing to say on a show called Warlock School, huh? Baby BShek and Commander Hirsch join the intrepid duo of Bentrick and Caleb for this second-ever second episode of Warlock School: Self Rez. They talk about how Bentrick is psychic and a lot of stuff Destiny 2 can do to not suck. Also Bentrick has decided he likes Easter eggs at the end of episodes. So don't skip the ad...
Published 06/01/17
Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine... It's Warlock School: Self Rez Episode 1. Bentrick and Caleb felt bringing the show back was a good idea, Remy and Watts weren't ever going to do it, so why not? Your new hosts did manage to get Remy on to pass the torch and discuss the Destiny 2 Gameplay Premiere and the new direction of this show.
Published 05/24/17
Well there you have it. The last Warlock School for a very long time.
Published 12/28/15
I see Remy has constructed a new lightsaber. Remy's skills are now complete. Indeed he is powerful as Watts has foreseen.
Published 11/20/15
There's a reason why podcast nights have a strict three drink limit. Behold the glory of Episode 57. Danny, Karlee and Rem hold down the fort while Watts is being an adult. Mind you he's the same person who makes these episode descriptions normally but not this week friends - This week is Remtastic.
Published 11/07/15
Well Tinkkz is on with Watts and Remy. Order of coolest people as follows: Remy Watts Halo 5 Mario Maker Tinkkz Yes...Tinkkz is in last on the cool department.
Published 10/31/15
There comes a time when two people come together. Then these two people talk about stuff like... T A C O S
Published 10/22/15
Published 10/10/15
This episode is all about ass. You just can't get enough of it...wait...I am being told that it is all about the new Destiny expansion The Taken Taco. Mary and The Bentrick joins the show and talk about tacos.
Published 09/25/15
It looks like someone went to his local hobby store and picked up the Destiny RPG 2nd edition....
Published 09/18/15
What the f**k was that?
Published 08/26/15
***space reserved for remy dick joke***
Published 08/21/15
Remy channels his inner Jeremy and interviews a community member named Izdine who was kind of pissed at us or so we thought. We had a conversation regarding some of the good things he sees in Destiny. Don't say we don't enjoy the community or its members, sometimes we just get super bored.
Published 08/18/15
48 + 1 = 49
Published 08/13/15
There you have it folks, another week not releasing an episode. So we had to make a filler just for you...yes you.
Published 08/09/15
Warcock Edition
Published 07/24/15
Watts and Andy are out this week, Remy takes over again and brings Danny a.k.a. RoadDoggFL into the fray. They have a conversation about updates, Borderlands and scratching itches from other games. Remy couldn't find a place to edit a toothpaste conversation in so it's after the outro. This very Brotocol episode brought to you by Boredom and the letter B.
Published 07/18/15
Your least favorite video game podcast...Episode 46
Published 07/11/15
MOM, GET THE POPCORN! IT'S A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT EPISODE!!! Wait, what's filler again? Will we actually follow up on what we're going to say? My God, there's just so much pressure...
Published 07/06/15
This week your Warlockin' Hosts get down and dirty on The Taken King. Join Andy, Remy and Watts on their journey as they sift through the good and the bad as of late when it comes to Destiny. If you'd like to leave us a mail, it's [email protected], you know.. The best kind of pancake.
Published 06/26/15
Your.. Wait, no. Your least favorite Destiny related podcast. Join us for our antics weekly.
Published 06/19/15
Remy takes over Warlock School Episode 43…may the traveler have mercy on your poor soul.
Published 06/14/15