“Watchmen” takes place in an alternative, contemporary reality in the United States, in which masked vigilantes became outlawed due to their violent methods. Despite this, some gather around to start a revolution while others are out to stop it before it is too late, as a greater question rises above them all; who watches the Watchmen?
Join The Shat on TV crew that brought you "Game of Thrones," "Westworld," "True Detective," "American Gods," and "Taboo" as they launch their newest TV venture: "Watchmen" on HBO.
Premise "Watchmen" is the superhero drama television series, based on the DC...
The voicemailers dominate this final mailbag edition of Shat on TV: Watchmen, with five callers sharing their opinions on everything from Dr. Manhattan to podcasts themselves. Plus, a King Bee critic calls in with an apology.
Newsstand email covers listeners' final thoughts on the season as a...
Published 12/30/19
Based on your letters and voicemail, "Watchmen" Episode 9 hit a home run. The season finale, "See How They Fly," satisfied viewers who wanted a story with few loose ends and a simple resolution. It also fueled tons of conversation about why Angela Abar ate the egg, what Europa meant to Adrian...
Published 12/20/19