Send us a Text Message.Christopher Peacock has worn many hats in the water industry; entrepreneur, author, and now CEO / Founder of Agcor, by AQUAOSO. In this episode Chris talks about how to tell water's story to a variety of stakeholders, and not just the same ol' way we've been talking about water for decades.
Published 07/25/24
Published 07/25/24
Send us a Text Message.Doug is preacher. Yes - that kind. But also a preacher of the value of water! As the President of Ag Water Chemical, Doug has spent countless hours with the agricultural community telling water's story in unique and compelling ways.
Published 06/04/24
Send us a Text Message.Milin holds one of the rarest titles of our time: water sommelier.Wait... that's a real thing? Yes. According to Patel, a water sommelier is someone who can spark people’s imagination and elevate a drinking water lifestyle as well as teach individuals about a water’s taste, source and its geology. Having vowed his life to advocating for safe, clean water, he puts an honor into teaching people how to respect and appreciate water.
Published 05/21/24
Send us a Text Message.Christopher Gasson is an authority on water finance and markets. After a degree in politics and economics at Oxford University, he worked as a financial journalist and investment banker, before acquiring Global Water Intelligence in 2002. He's built GWI into one of the world's foremost research firms in the water industry, and on this episode he lays bare all of the secrets of the trade in telling water's story.
Published 05/10/24
Send us a Text Message.Chelsea is one of the water industries most public - and fun - personas. She currently leads Rogue Water Lab as Executive Director, working to bolster public trust for sustainable water solutions through community engagement and storytelling by equipping, inspiring, and empowering service providers to collaborate with communities and policymakers.
Published 05/03/24
Send us a Text Message.As the Chief of Treatment for HRSD, Christel has a wealth of experience in telling water's story... but she also wears another hat - a first time author of "Lemon and Cedar", an illustrated children's book. Learn more about how she's telling the story of water, the environment, and more in creative ways on this episode of Water We Talking About.
Published 04/26/24
David Sedlak, Professor at UC Berkeley, is well-known in the world of water. His most recent book, Water For All, explores the myriad of water issues facing the entire world, and how water crises are linked to one another. By applying a passion for water technology and innovation, David understands the demands of water and helps others to do the same. 
Published 01/17/24
Dr. Peter Gleick, co-founder of the Pacific Institute, is a scientist by trade and prefers using books to tell the story of water. His recently published work, The Three Ages Of Water, tells the story of water as far back as the evolution of our solar system. 
Published 11/10/23
After college, Tom Ferguson, managing partner of Burnt Island Ventures, was an actor. Now, he uses the lessons that he learned in improv class to help in assessing startups and ensuring success. 
Published 11/07/23
A background in technology helps Isaac Pellerin, VP of Marketing at 120Water, remember that data tells a powerful story. Now, he puts that background to good use by helping to create tools that make life easier for water operators. 
Published 09/11/23
After retiring from the water industry, Robert Wimmer, former CEO of Aqua-Aerobic Systems, realized he still had a lot more to give back to the business. Now, he emphasizes the importance of having a set of core values in the industry and keeping in mind the 5 P’s: Purpose, Passion, People, Products, and Profit. 
Published 08/21/23
When Peter Yolles, founder and managing partner of Echo River Capital, speaks to founders of water tech companies, there is one thing he wants to know: What is their personal “North Star?” 
Published 08/04/23
After a career delivering heavy trucks to utilities and using short training videos to educated operators and supervisors, Joseph Blackman, Founder of Vitendo Training Solutions, finally took the plunge to creating that content full-time. Now, he is an educator and advocate utilizing multiple media spaces: newsletters, podcasts, and videos. 
Published 06/26/23
After becoming burned out working TV news, Kelley Dearing Smith took on a new challenge with Louisville Water. Now, the VP of Communications and Marketing helps Louisville Water tell stories -- and it all starts with listening. 
Published 06/06/23
One of the best ways Joe Zuback, Principal at Global Water Advisors, has found to connect with an audience is to establish commonality with them, and he does so by researching each audience in detail before presenting or speaking.
Published 05/08/23
As a lover of both science and art, Aoife Kelleher, Business Development Manager at BlueTech Research, started her career using art to promote a science gallery, to make it more accessible for more people. Aoife has carried that approach with her in the water industry, including while working on the Netflix documentary “Brave Blue World”. 
Published 04/06/23
As an early adopter of the podcasting medium in the water industry, Travis Loop, Founder & Producer of waterloop, uses his platform to focus on and sharing solutions, as well as sharing success stories, and inspiring people to not give up. 
Published 03/03/23
After breaking into the water industry with PennWell, Angela Godwin became the face and voice of the industry through her work with Endeavor Business Media, and now as Principal Partner with Rogue Monkey Media. 
Published 02/06/23
What does the design aesthetic of a logo tell us about a business? Lorenzo Falzarano, founder of Orb, shares his unique perspective on design and talks about how we validate that our water is safe for use and reuse. 
Published 01/13/23
After spending a decade working on the utility side of the industry, Hugh Sinclair, Vice President – National Practice Lead For Asset Management at Arcadis, now spends his time focusing on the people who do the work – the heroes of the industry – and finds that understanding someone’s story is the most effective vehicle to create empathy and context around their collaborative partnerships. 
Published 12/02/22
For Mike Wade, Executive Director for the California Farm Water Coalition, spending north of $140,000 in crowdsourced funds for an ad and campaign to get the word out to policymakers and the entire country on the devastating effects of the droughts in the west was worth the cost. 
Published 11/01/22
To Michael Stanley Gallisdorfer, affectionately known as MSG, the message for water is simple: Water matters. When sharing water’s story, MSG says to make it simple and direct – and use words that everyone can understand. 
Published 10/01/22
For Mary Conley Eggert, Founder of Global Water Works, it’s of the utmost importance to solve the global water crisis in this generation. And that takes everyone working together. 
Published 09/16/22
Shea Dunifon, aka Lady C**a, the Education Coordinator for Pinellas County Government finds that the best way to share stories is to start with the basics and keep the message simple. 
Published 08/19/22