In WEAPONIZED, Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp pull back the veil on the world of the known, to explore the unexplained. This multi-platform investigative series features exclusive interviews, never-before-seen footage, previously-suppressed documents, original audio and video recordings, and hard evidence related to UFOs, the paranormal, cutting-edge science, cover-ups, conspiracies, and big-time crimes. Original, groundbreaking conversations with government whistleblowers, spies, spooks, scientists, military officials, muckraking journalists, filmmakers, historians, artists, musicians,...
November 14th marks the 20th anniversary of what may be the most consequential UFO encounter of all time—the Tic Tac case. Sophisticated sensors on ships and planes in the USS Nimitz carrier group detected incursions by unknown objects over nearly two weeks. On the 15th, Navy radar operators...
Published 11/08/24
In WEAPONIZED, Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp pull back the veil on the world of the known, to explore the unexplained. This multi-platform investigative series features exclusive interviews, never-before-seen footage, previously-suppressed documents, original audio and video recordings, and...
Published 10/15/24