Claire Mason: on sobriety as a path to single freedom, self-love and happiness   Can quitting drinking be the key to a happy, single life?   This week, Jill talks to podcaster, body positivity advocate and digital creator, Claire Mason about her journey from party girl to sober queen.   They share stories about their history of binge drinking and what happens when you can no longer numb your emotions with alcohol.   There are many parallels with choosing to be single and choosing an...
Published 09/08/24
Our friends are some of the most important people in our lives. They’re the people we can be 100% ourselves with.   And for many single people, they are our family.   So why are friendships seen as lesser than romantic or blood family relationships?   This week, Jill talks to journalist and author, Gyan Yankovich, about her book, Just Friends, and what would happen if society treated friendship with the same reverence and respect as marriage.   Can a friend be more than just a friend – can...
Published 09/01/24
This week, Jill talks to TV presenter, public speaker and proud Warumungu/Yawuru woman, Megan Waters about growing and healing through times of struggle and why time alone is an essential part of her self-care toolkit.   She also talks about her deep connection to her Indigenous culture and how kinship and community have helped her build a strong sense of self.   Megan is open about her battle with a chronic health condition, the impact it’s had on her mental health, her plans to freeze her...
Published 08/25/24
One of the best things about solo life is the freedom to live life your own, without having to run decisions past anyone else.   But one of the more challenging things is how expensive it can be to live alone. You have the same household costs as couples but only one income.   Whether it’s booking a room in a hotel, paying for health insurance, or forking out for power bills, groceries and living expenses, it all costs more when you do it solo. We’re essentially paying a single person’s...
Published 08/18/24
Why are single people often ignored by policy makers? And is that about to change? This week, Jill is joined by writer and political commentator, Lauren Beckman, to dissect Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance’s attack on “miserable, childless cat ladies” and how this group is becoming a potent voting bloc. Single person households are the fastest growing demographic and yet we’re often treated like we don’t exist as politicians make their pitches to “working families.” The number of people...
Published 08/11/24
If a romantic connection is something you see in your future – whether for one night or forever – then you do not want to miss this week’s episode. Jill speaks to Alita Brydon – dating expert, body positivity champion and creator of the cult social media phenomenon, Bad Dates of Melbourne on Facebook. Just because you enjoy time on your own doesn’t mean you can’t still dip your toe in the dating pool. And what a cesspit that can often be! If you want to survive the modern dating scene, you’re...
Published 08/04/24
Danni Duncan: on choosing not to have children, and the rise of the child-free movement. The pressure to couple up starts early in life, but it’s not just a pressure to be partnered, it often comes with an expectation that you will also want to have children. In a world where the nuclear family is still the archetype, it’s often seen as a biological imperative to become a parent. But more and more people are choosing to be child-free. The number of women having children has been steadily...
Published 07/28/24
From an early age we’re told that that the dream is to find our soulmate, have the big wedding, and then live happily ever after. But for a long time, that fairytale was one only straight people could aspire to. On the day same-sex marriage was finally legalised in Australia, Stuart Henshall was proposed to live on national television. He and his fiancée became the first couple to ever get married at Sydney Mardi Gras, tying the knot on top of a giant wedding cake in front of the world’s...
Published 07/21/24
In a world obsessed with partnering up and settling down, it can sometimes feel like you’re a square peg in a round hole if you’re on your own. So how can you learn to not just accept your own company but actually love it? Is loneliness something we can banish, or is it a necessary part of the human condition? And how do you deal with pressure to be coupled and/or have children, from people in your life who may mean well but are not respecting your choices? Today, Jill speaks with Dr Ahona...
Published 07/14/24
What happens when the life you planned comes crashing down around you?   Jess King faced a major betrayal that changed everything. But in rebuilding herself from the ashes of that crisis, she found freedom and strength in her own company.   Jess is one of Australia’s leading curve models, a body positivity advocate, and a content creator. She’s walked runways across Europe, Asia and Australia for some of the world’s leading fashion labels, and is on a mission to inspire young women to be...
Published 07/07/24
  As single people, we’re often pitied or seen as living half a life. We’re just incomplete puzzles desperately searching for the missing piece to make us whole.   But what if the risk is not what we’ll miss out on if we don’t organise our lives around a romantic partner, but what we’ll miss out on if we do?   Today, Jill speaks to Dr Bella DePaulo – the world’s leading thinker on the single experience about her research, which shows that for millions of people in every corner of the globe,...
Published 06/30/24
Fearless and fabulous at 51, Yvie Jones is one of Australia’s most well-loved TV personalities and a proud and unapologetic long-term single woman.   In this raw and candid conversation, she talks about love, grief, body image, self-worth, and how she’s built connection and community while doing life solo. And for the first time, she shares behind-the-scenes details of what really happened in that viral moment on I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here – when she refused to be weighed on camera –...
Published 06/23/24
This is a podcast for anyone who’s ever been told that being single makes you incomplete, or life will only begin when you find “the one.” I wanted to make it because I was tired of outdated cultural narratives that told me there were only two life paths available to us – “partnered and happy” or “single and searching.” There is a different way – solo and thriving. With more solo households today than at any point in our history, single people are the fastest-growing demographic. And yet,...
Published 06/16/24
Well Enough Alone is a celebration of solo living that tears up the “sad and lonely” single script and embraces a path that can be joyful, expansive and fulfilling. Because there is more to life than “partnered and happy” or “single and searching.” There is solo and thriving. Hosted by best-selling author and award-winning journalist, Jill Stark, this podcast is for anyone who’s ever been told that being single makes you incomplete. Or that life will only begin when you find “the one”. To...
Published 06/08/24